MINORITIES, LATE 1960s, US HISTORY, RACE, RIOTS, MAN-ON-STREET INTERVIEWS, BUFFALO, PRAIRIE DOGS, AGRICULTURE; DX EXT montage of minorities walking, int black people working in office, Mexican male works in office, American Indian in office; DX INT Chinese man in office, Puerto Rican doctor, Japanese man, 3 Asian girls on street, black man w/large afro; sketches of 19th century slavery era, photo of black men in Civil War, sketches of black politicians; DX EXT old photos of rich black families & poor families in ghetto, photo of black men in WWII, black marchers; DX EXT Jesse Jackson in a sombrero, he marches, black sheriff, run down street, black student in cap & gown, graduation; DX EXT Mexican man walks in street, sketches of Cortez, document admitting Texas into union, Mexican priest, farm laborers; DX INT Mexican labor union boycotts in front of store, T/H Cesar Chavez, ws Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans shopping in market; DX INT Puerto Rican family in kitchen, sketches of 18/19th century American Indians, Indians dancing, doing arts & crafts; DX EXT Indian woman weaving, teepee in Chicago, Asian businessmen, sketches & photos of construction of railroad; Still photos of Japanese immigrants, newspaper headlines ban Japanese from migrating, photos of Japanese-Americans in WWII; Photo of Japanese in internment camps, photo of large Chinese family, Asian businessmen, var shots of minorities @ work; INT black teacher in classroom, poor black kids, Mexican doctor, street scene circa late 60s-70s; DX EXT Asian neighborhood, run down Latin neighborhood, Spanish newsstand, peds on sidewalk, tall man walks among them; DX EXT stewardesses walk in street, high-rise bldg; DX EXT T/H man-on-street interview w/all races on what defines a minority, all believe they are in a minority; DX EXT black men walking in street, Asian men walking; DX EXT people walking w/less physical minority characteristics, old European women w/wide heads; DX EXT man in yellow shirt, man w/pipe & trench coat, old woman walking, younger women walking w/big sunglasses; DX EXT people walking in church, in temple, Zen Center, Catholic church, INT cheering black crowd, minorities in library; DX INT var shots of minorities working as doctors, teachers, scientists etc, more man-on-street interviews, car POV across suburbia; DX EXT view from mirror of peds walking, INT white male explains there is no majority race, run down neighborhood; DX EXT mother interviewed, 1968 var shots of riot, armed guards in street, white guy fixing a tire doesn't have nice things to say; DX EXT var slo-mo shots of peds walking in street, many different minorities; DX EXT American prairie, buffalo, snakes, jackrabbit, heard of buffalo, buffalo ramming heads, cu adult buffalo; DX EXT heard climbs hill, baby buffalo, calves eat grass, prairie dogs dig holes in grassland, run across burrows, raccoon; DX EXT prairie dog sticks head out of burrow, birds, antelope in burrow, they stare @ coyote & run away, grouse in field; DX EXT var shots of ants in colonies, receptionist @ desk, boss on phone, man @ really old computer, window washer; DX EXT Capitol Hill, cars on freeway, construction workers, man pumps gas, parking ticket, cop car, demonstrators march; DX EXT farm workers, newspaper press, people exit supermarket, cu hands cut cucumber, woman eats cucumber, recycling bin; DX EXT schoolchildren exit brick bldg, black kids on bikes, man rides horse in plains, bearded mountain man; DX EXT Statue of Liberty, test from US Constitution, baby is born, printing press, old women walk, kids eat lunch; DX EXT Mt. Rushmore, White House, radicals marching, political cartoons, Bible, city street scene