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00:00:13 13.26 |
Reel opens, female host (unknown)sitting in comfortable chair, in a living room setting, directs her first question to opera singer Beverly Sills.
00:00:29 29.2 |
Beverly Sills answering the question posed to her about how style influences her work and personal life. Sills states surprisingly that she has absolutely no interest in fashion, she doesn't shop, is not fashion conscious and just not interested. When singing, a designer makes all of her gowns otherwise, she has no interest in fashion whatsoever. She doesn't "see" clothes, look at them and never shops. Friends help her, she's not a clothes person.
00:01:53 113.9 |
Unseen guest could be model Iman or Ivana Trump, adding to the discussion about how she is the opposite (of Sills). She's in the fashion business but fashion does not "dictate" her life. She then attempts to make the distinction between "Fashion" and "Style" and states, "Style" is her life.
00:01:55 115.21 |
Host talking with guest, still unseen and unknown, asks her how style relates to her off the runway especially since models off the runway are wearing jeans with holes in them.
00:02:07 127.43 |
Guest responds that's exactly it, "they don't have style then, they are fashion conscious, but they are not stylish".
00:02:19 139.65 |
Interviewer prods Ivana to talk about how she "sees" herself.
00:02:26 146.49 |
Guest, still unseen, describes her style as classic, like a "good black cashmere sweater".
00:02:37 157.24 |
Interviewer listening as unseen guests including Ivana Trump and model Iman, discuss what "style" means to them.
00:02:51 171.91 |
As host looks on, writer Judith Krantz unseen, adding to the discussion, states that in writing fiction you can use fashion to describe and explain the characters.
00:03:05 185.14 |
Pan in on a young beautiful, Ivana Trump, wearing a navy suit with a large red flower and gold chain.
00:03:18 198.48 |
Quick pan over to Beverly Sills and Host.
00:03:20 200.38 |
Pan over to Ivana Trump, listening to unseen speaker.
00:03:23 203.72 |
Beverly Sills and host listening intently as Judith Krantz still unseen is speaking about writing fiction and the influence of fashion on her writing. Sills and Krantz discuss the "little black dress".
00:04:25 265.09 |
Pan over to Judith Krantz and Ivana Trump. They discuss the little black dress and the cashmere black sweater with other woman in the room, partially seen - only of her head, this is fashion designer Paloma Picasso or model, Iman.
00:05:19 319.03 |
Close up Ivana Trump, looking beautiful
00:05:28 328.97 |
Pan to host.
00:06:03 363.11 |
Beverly Sills and Host.
00:06:16 376.42 |
Pan back to Krantz and Trump. Krantz talking about being dressed well but not outlandishly.
00:06:54 414.37 |
Ivana Trump discussing how her "husband" always dresses in three piece suits or formally therefore she has to dress up or it "doesn't look right".
00:08:04 484.48 |
Judith Kranz seated next to Ivana Trump. Fashion discussion continues.
00:09:02 542.29 |
Host listening on as unseen Paloma Picasso discussing the importance of colors and accessories in fashion.
00:10:39 639.92 |
Ivana talking about the importance and influence of accessories on style and fashion .
00:12:08 728.39 |
Wide shot Ivana Trump, Judith Krantz and partially obscured Paloma Picasso.
00:12:29 749.57 |
Pan to Beverly Sills discussing her concerts in many cities and how her housekeeper kept a book for her showing what outfit she wore in each city so as not to repeat.
00:13:56 836.93 |
Wide shot of living room, flowers on coffee table in foreground, Krantz, Trump and Sills seated.
00:14:19 859.37 |
Ivana discussing her engagement ring being one piece of jewelry she never takes off.
00:15:35 935.8 |
Host asks panel to discuss their favorite piece of clothing they cannot live without. Sills couldn't care less, and Trump states there's nothing she cannot live without, her priorities are family, house and the children.
00:16:41 1001.05 |
Black, pause.
00:17:22 1042.88 |
Host prompting the continuing conversation about favorite pieces of clothing the fashion panel members cannot live without. Discussion continues. var shots of the Host, Beverly Sills, Judith Krantz and Ivana Trump. Paloma Picasso speaking but unseen.
00:26:03 1563.78 |
Trump discussing "who she dresses for". She talks about her schedule and states she dresses accordingly and appropriately depending on where she is going and who she is meeting with.
00:28:45 1725.02 |
Krantz discussing how she dresses imaginatively according to the occasion and what it calls for. She dresses appropriately and not to be in the spotlight but in the"dead center."
00:29:38 1778.87 |
Unseen, fashion model, Iman, discussing how she dresses for "herself" because in her modeling business she's always wearing other peoples' clothes that she wouldn't ordinarily wear. When she is home she underdresses, not in jeans but lingerie.
00:30:20 1820.43 |
Unseen, fashion designer Paloma Picasso, discusses that she has fun with fashion. She doesn't believe in wearing one designer, she "cheats" all the time.
00:31:04 1864.36 |
Wide shot Trump, Sill, and Host seated around coffee table with flowers as unseen Krantz talking about shopping. She states her philosophy, never shop in a good mood, never shop when you look well, but shop when you look dreadful because if the clothes look good on you then, they'll look fabulous when you look well. Panel laughter.
00:31:38 1898.58 |
Pan in on Sills, smiling.
00:32:06 1926.23 |
Pan over to Trump.
00:32:21 1941.71 |
Host poses next question. "have you ever worn something that has affected you professionally, negatively or positively"?
00:32:26 1946.73 |
Sills responding to question states there's a gown she loves that she wore to Kennedy Center Award Show - the photograph of her wearing the gown and the giant medal with a big ribbon haunts her.
00:33:55 2035.52 |
Ivana states that every time she wears a designer, she receives a proposal for a contract to wear that designer exclusively. She states she likes to choose and mix up designers.
00:36:45 2205.27 |
00:37:19 2239.11 |
Fashion discussion continues - panel discusses their favorite designers, such as Calvin Klein, and Chanel. Overall consensus is to mix it up and make it your own.
00:37:56 2276.04 |
Pan out Trump, Sills and Host seated in living room on high back chairs, coffee table with white flowers.
00:38:03 2283.84 |
Wide shot, Paloma Picasso from behind, Krantz, Trump and Sills.
00:38:08 2287.97 |
Trump discussing her favorite designers Chanel, and Ungaro (if you are tall and have a good figure). She states she has just become an American citizen and shops here in America where there are great designers. She discusses the raising pricing of haute couture designers. She discusses Victor Costa, the king of copycats. She shops him all the time, much less $$!
00:41:01 2461.69 |
Wide shot Kranz, Trump and Sills. Kranz discussing personal style. Pan in on Sills discussing good dressmakers and the importance of not seeing herself coming and going.
00:43:33 2613.71 |
Close up on Ivana Trump's well manicured hands folded on her lap wearing a large diamond engagement ring.
00:44:28 2668.05 |
Host instructing cameraman to take some wide and cutaways.
00:44:33 2673.05 |
Another close up on Ivana's engagement ring as well as her diamond encrusted gold watch.
00:44:49 2689.66 |
Pan over for close up of large gold bracelet on Krantz' wrist.
00:45:04 2704.02 |
Close up on tiny watch pinky ring.
00:45:38 2738.1 |
Var shots around the room, discussion ongoing but informal.
00:46:58 2818.94 |
00:47:02 2822.86 |
Dark wide shot of a fancy restaurant, Ivana Trump standing talking with unknown man holding what looks like a menu.
00:48:29 2909.39 |
00:51:21 3081.38 |
End Reel.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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