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01:00:00 0 |
Reel begins. Home movies of an outdoor concert featuring post punk rock artist, Moby. Film is shot using hand held camera.
01:00:04 4.58 |
Three gals having an animated discussion (no audio) behind the outdoor stage at the Moby concert. One girl wears a Made In USA Tee shirt, another wears a Moby hoodie draped over her shoulders and holds papers . Pan from the stage, large equipment box and people maybe roadies walking around nearby.
01:00:54 54.48 |
Inside the tour bus, punk rock artist Moby sits at the table wearing a "Moby" t-shirt and holds a globe with a flashing light. He demonstrates how he lies on his bed and places the flashing stone on his forehead and explains that it helps him fall asleep.
01:01:42 102.64 |
Moby draws a floor plan of the stage and explains (to unknown and unseen photographer) places where the show may be filmed from. He talks candidly and comfortably with an unseen friend about travel logistics. He leafs through a large map notebook and they discuss their plans on getting to the next stop on the tour.
01:08:06 486.9 |
Candid behind the scenes in the tour bus with Moby and band members. . Moby with his shorts unzipped, gets up close and personal with his private parts out of his pants as there is a wet spot on his shorts.
01:18:36 1116.44 |
Scenes of equipment and instruments being set up before the show. Moby walking about. Roadies at work. Camera jumps around. Some over
01:19:37 1177.89 |
Audience from the stage and behind a curtain before the concert starts.
01:20:15 1215.33 |
Moby drummer looks at camera smiles and waves his drumsticks directly at it.
01:20:31 1231.81 |
Roadies at work, testing equipment, mics and setting up for the show.- fast camera pans on stage.
01:22:53 1373.23 |
the Moby signature graffiti curtain on stage.
01:23:05 1385.89 |
Packed audience, Moby Security wearing yellow "staff" shirts at front of the crowd. Shots of the crowd.
01:23:15 1395.75 |
Concert starts, high energy Moby with drumsticks jumping around and playing keyboards. Var. audience shots.
01:25:29 1529.93 |
Opening performance ends. Audience applauds wildly. Moby thanks the crowd and next number begins.
01:25:48 1548.67 |
Moby and drummer on congas, and Moby on keyboards perform a signature high energy electronic disco style song.
01:31:44 1904.66 |
CUs Moby drummer slamming on cymbals.
01:32:19 1939.88 |
CU Moby guitarist wearing a baseball cap that says "Fucker", goatee and earrings.
01:33:11 1991.43 |
Moby with a guitar thanks the audience and wipes his forehead. He thanks the people of Lollapalooza for making the stage where the audience can be up close and announces next song.
01:34:00 2040.2 |
All That i Need is to be Loved
Moby on electric guitar, audience going wild jumping up and down to an electronic hard rock number.
01:34:27 2067.13 |
Audience shots. CU gal mouthing words to the song, crowd surfing shots, hands up in the air, security guards in yellow staff t-shirts appear to be removing a few audience members.
01:35:06 2106.12 |
Security guards in yellow Staff t-shirts in the crowd removing a guy from the audience.
01:36:51 2211.08 |
Song ends, audience cheers
01:37:05 2225.53 |
CU drummer makes faces at camera.
01:37:45 2265.03 |
Sweet Home Alabama
Moby performs cover by Lynyrd Skynyrd, Sweet Home Alabama.
Crowd surfing audience shots. |
01:40:30 2431 |
Moby thanks the folk at the Lollapalooza second stage, and special thanks to Super Chunk for lending him a guitar. He announces the next Disco tune.
01:41:00 2460.67 |
Moby. A
I Feel It
Moby performs one of his high energy older disco tunes. Crowd goes wild, a sea of arms up in the air. Audience shots, crowd surfing.
01:45:40 2740.33 |
CU cute gal from the audience with a lip ring and with a bunch of clips and bobby pins all over her hair
01:46:56 2816.28 |
Performance of I Feel It ends. Moby picks up a hat someone threw up on the stage.
01:47:13 2833.48 |
01:48:47 2927.81 |
CU on a young blonde female in the audience wearing a bra, standing close to the stage.
01:49:13 2953.02 |
Staff security escort a young man from the crowd.
01:49:55 2995.63 |
Song ends. Moby talks with audience a bit and takes a sip from a cup. Pan audience. He introduces next fast and "kind of uplifting" song from new album.
01:50:40 3040.12 |
Feeling So Real
CU's Moby and drummer on congas. Shots of the audience from the stage, all arms raised. Staff security remove a gal from the crowd.
01:55:40 3340.17 |
"Feeling so Real" song ends. Audience applause and shouts. Moby thanks them and speaks to the crowd a bit about life. He throws out his cup. Moby announces next song and gives a short synopsis.
01:58:18 3498.25 |
What Love?
According to Moby, first half of this tune is about the joys of anal sex, the second half is about being so depressed you want to kill yourself.
02:01:16 3676.61 |
Purple Haze
Moby performs cover by Jimi Hendrix, Purple Haze. Close up audience shots. CUs on the drummer and other band members.
02:04:45 3885.65 |
Emcee incites the crowd. Moby comes out for an encore.
02:05:44 3944.66 |
Rock and Roll
Moby performs Led Zepplin cover, Rock and Roll. Frantic version!
02:08:07 4087.54 |
Performance ends. Moby says goodnight, he and the band leave the stage. Shots of them back stage having something to drink and shaking hands with stage crew and roadies.
02:11:55 4315.24 |
Camera follows Moby behind the stage area, holding a Budweiser cup and a towel. He hugs some female fans who are waiting for him and thanks them. Another cute young gal asks Moby for an autograph and he complies.
02:15:51 4551.72 |
Shots of Moby happily signing autographs for a large group of happy fans standing behind a security fence. Two cute gals wearing biking tops stand behind him inside the secured area. Moby talks graciously with the fans for quite a while.
02:48:45 6525.43 |
End Reel.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
[email protected]
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