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01:00:03 3.68 |
Downtown Taiwan on a rainy day - lots of traffic. - cars, busses, bikes - tall buildings, wide streets with many lanes going in both directions.
01:00:51 51.48 |
A Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream shop in Taiwan. Z'in on the Baskin sign (written in English).
01:01:04 64.84 |
Cars stuck in traffic including the Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream truck - the number '31' (flavors) is seen written on back doors of truck. More shots of the Baskin-Robbins sign hanging on the building
01:01:21 81.31 |
Retail clothing store window display with casual style clothes, peds walking by. Z'in on the display, a blonde mannequin dressed in black and white checkered blouse and red skirt, and jeans are displayed.
01:01:57 118 |
A large fashion retail shop, mannequins wearing the latest women's fashions displayed in the windows. Peds walk by, sounds of traffic, an Asian girl carrying a stack of books walks by. Mannequins dressed in skirts and dresses.
01:02:31 151.15 |
Cutaway. WSs of what looks like a complex of apartment buildings and some suburban homes. Flat land with little or no trees, windy day. A two floor brick building looks like maybe medical office buildings. Other buildings, maybe a hospital or medical complex.
01:03:28 208.17 |
A large room with several workers seated at two long tables all wearing white hazmat type suits - possibly a lab or research place. Z'in on the workers - they are focused and use small tools like tweezers.
01:04:35 275.53 |
CU A row of Asian workers wearing white head coverings look into microscopes. Pan out from CU reveals at least 7 or 8 workers extremely all focused on looking into their microscopes.
01:04:51 291.85 |
A room with electronic equipment, looks like copy machines with covers open. A worker wearing an all white lab coats with head coverings doing something to the equipment. CU on the machinery and WS of workers wearing the same white lab coats together in a large space with several tables and electronic equipment. Workers at microscopes.
01:05:54 354.97 |
Cutaway to an outdoor political or government event. Official, could be Lee Teng-hui the then President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) stands behind a table, mics pointed at him and military men behind him - he addresses the crowd (unseen). Camera z's over to the audience which is a giant crowd of military people and thousands of civilians. Prompted by their leader they all raise their arms in several unified salutes.
01:08:22 502.51 |
Pan over a sea of female military all wearing green uniforms and other groups of military in uniform
01:08:46 526.69 |
Soldiers in a military parade quick march carrying carrying flags of the Republic of China (or known as the Flag of Taiwan). They are followed by several hundred soldiers with rifles also quick marching.
01:09:45 585.84 |
CU Asian onlookers lined up seated on the ground, mostly young men, holding small red Republic of China flags.
01:09:59 599.41 |
CU a cluster of small Republic of China flags.
01:10:08 608.73 |
Various shots of the crowd and military parade - soldiers in white helmets, military men on motorcycles, in jeeps with bombs attached to the back, tanks with cu's of the soldiers, cu's of the Asian faces in the Taiwanese crowd.
01:11:26 687 |
Several shots of the onlookers waving the Republic of China flags also known as the Blue Sky, White Sun, Wholly Red Earth or now more commonly known as the Flag of Taiwan.
01:11:44 704.72 |
WS of the crowd against an elaborately decorated building in Asian architectural style.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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