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01:00:33 0.07 |
01:00:35 3 |
Pacific Northwest coast. Foggy forest, cross editing intercut with industrial images. Blasting hillside, underground explosion
01:02:31 119.02 |
Factory heavy machinery, mining, logging, coal mining, furnace. P-Out hi-rise, Low angle skyscrapers. Crowded sidewalk, big city street scenes, trash in gutter, litter, traffic, crowded beach intercut with rocket launch.
01:05:52 319.27 |
City skyline hidden by smog. Foamy polluted river, factory, junk dumped along river bank. Beautiful winter image icicles on branches.
01:08:13 460.07 |
ice melting, water trickling over mossy rocks, fresh water image, rushing stream, Aerial winding river. Swamp. Muddy icky water, waste pipes feeding into stream. Strip mining coal mining. Discolored stream in gorge, acidic water coming from coal mine. Green slime growing on rocks.
01:12:37 724.63 |
Warm water pouring out of pipes, factory waste pouring into lake. Crop duster pesticides sprayed on crops. Dead pelican, dead fish in murky water.
01:14:00 807.07 |
garbage dump, seagulls swarming around, truck dumping garbage, loading garbage scow, trash floating in water, tire floating, dead pigeon, frog in murky green water next to beer can (Budweiser?) trash along shore.
01:16:21 948.02 |
'No Swimming' sign, couple walking along shore. Waves on shore of Lake Erie, junk on shore. Abandoned pier, dredging from bay, Aerial oil tankers at sea, oil derricks offshore drilling, oil slick along surface oil spill, burning garbage on barge or garbage scow
01:19:00 1107.07 |
Garbage barge.
01:20:03 1170.07 |
foamy waste coming from pipes, detergent foam dumped into river, storm drain raw sewage pouring into river, foamy river, factory waste water, factory worker looking out window one waves at camera.
01:23:15 1362.07 |
disgusting red water full of blood from slaughterhouse into Missouri River. Pristine lake surrounded by forest. Desert beauty shots, river tilt-U American Southwest rock formations. Kids playing in sand on beach, factory in BG. Men in small motorboat motoring past sewage coming from factory, man canoeing improperly.
01:26:39 1566.31 |
Silhouette people riding bikes along river, Track bicyclists. Man walking along waterfront washed by waves. People sailing, putting up sail, sailboats with city skyline in BG. Parents and kids playing on sandy beach. Bobber, African American couple Black couple fishing with cane poles, CU woman smiling.
01:29:28 1735.07 |
biplane on tarmac. Cessna on ground. Skull and crossbones 'Warning: Toxic Pesticides'. Man wearing safety gloves leaning against tank. Cessna with propeller spinning, taxis over to man who fills plane with fuel or pesticide or fertilizer, plane taxis away, dif prop plane taxis over
01:34:15 2022.28 |
Crop duster filling up with pesticide or fertilizer, biplane taxis up. VAR crop duster in flight. Ultralight type flying machine using parachute instead of wings. Cessna lands in field. More crop duster at work, biplane crop duster
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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