44 min VARIOUS CLIPS FROM SILENT MOVIES, SLAPSTICK circa 1930s/1940s radio announcers, radio show (STAR THE VOICE OF HOLLYWOOD), hosts ring chimes, host lights cigarette, man smoking cigarette; host laughing man laughing; women standing at microphone 1930s by their outfits. Host of radio show; 1920s Women standing in line for audition. Woman in slinky outfit sings into microphone. Same two women as before on show. Comedian on radio show. 01:04 Creepy person in bear costume; woman smoking pipe; (Comic amateur sleuth) Woman looking thru keyhole gets squirted in face, woman uses mirror to spy in hotel room, woman uses stethoscope to listen to inside of car with fogged windows (kind of raunchy) women in fight (slugfest, all-female brawl); Motorcycle with sidecar, man falls out of sidecar; Woman slaps secretary in swivel chair. 01:05 ogre, hunchback; Woman pouring drink (poison?). Woman in bathtub with cigarette holder. Hunchback clapping cheering. Bearded woman. Hunchback jumps up & down. Raucous crowd, medieval tavern. Evil person laughing. (Upside down backwards) woman wipes goo out of her eyes. Brief marching band. Man drinking brandy. Showgirls dancing. Creepy audience of masked men. Man grabs woman. Mad scientist in lab collapses (Dr.Jekyl & Mr.Heide?) Women dancing. Woman drops leaves on sleeping man who awakens & sings, man dances like ballerina trips & falls into fountain. Man finds frog on table in restaurant, tries to kill it. Woman hitting man with umbrella while in plane, POV from plane in nose-dive. 01:07 comic movie-making hand-cranking movie camera. Frightened man. Medieval man sighs, rolls his eyes & flutters his eyelashes (bashful/in love). Showgirls etc backstage. Husband keeping wife awake with snoring, she hits him on the head with pitcher & turns light off. Wacky invention, propellor driven cart. 01:08 Prospector panning for gold. Man on boat drifting towards rapids, man falls into river, floats past woman sitting on bank, man floating down rapids, woman sets off in boat, falls into rapids, man almost goes over waterfall, daring rescue men rescues damsel from going over waterfall, couple embraces. Country railroad station. 02:07 Man sits on pram, MS baby crying; Buster Keaton in shooting gallery short, man lights trick cigar, man robs shooting gallery, hunter uses shotgun in shooting gallery. Policeman apprehends man using banana instead of gun, suspect promptly eats the banana 'thus, disarming him!' Policeman runs away from big scary dude. Man drops banana peel on ground, Keaton walks by making strange gesture at camera (as if to ward off evil). 03:02 Keaton bumps into policeman who runs away, tips hat, follow policeman to apologize, hesitates, cop chases Keaton chase scene, Keaton disguise himself as priest, fruit vendor hits policeman over head; Carpenter installing trap door in bedroom, man & woman walk thru hidden doorway. Man knocks on front door, butler answers door, butler leads man inside. Man shows Keaton hidden doors & trap doors, butler takes off fake mustache; 03:04 Woman playing UKULELE. Keaton gets stuck in trap door. Thieves hideout. Woman playing UKULELE while man drinks coffee, good 'Strong coffee' image. Murder scene, Keaton pretends to shoot man, people come running into room, murder mystery image. Gang of thieves watching thru window, they all make gesture like a secret society. Woman holding dead man, who winks at her. 03:06 Men looking thru window make gesture 'we've been double crossed!' Men rush inside & chase Keaton, chase scene in wacky house full of trapdoors & secret passageways. Creepy image: Keaton shuts door on guy's head, disembodied head sticking out of door. More chase scene (cutaway of house), Keaton rescues woman, they embrace. 'PALEFACE' (10 MIN) Keaton looks at accordion style wallet. From 'THE PLAY HOUSE' INT movie theater auditorium, opening curtains, movie screen, Keaton in projection booth. Fatty Arbuckle in general store short, 05:02 butcher sharpening knife (sharp enough to split a hair) Keaton in general store looking at brooms, old timers playing checkers, Keaton interrupts game, Arbuckle pours molasses into hat, tasting molasses. Hat stuck on Keaton's head, Arbuckle pours hot water on man's head, kicks man out of store. Big fat man & small skinny man walking together (Keaton & Arbuckle?). Couple dancing energetically while others gather round & clap, man drops woman to shake hands with friend. Arbuckle dancing with little woman, swinging her around and nearly crushing her. Keaton does trick with hat. 05:06 amusement park, Arbuckle swings mallet to hit gong (gongs would work as 'boobs'), Arbuckle wins cigar. Woman sitting on pier with life guard, couple kissing; (44 min at this point) 1930s serial w/Bela Lugosi 'PHANTOM CREEPS' end of chapter 4