CNN STYLE, POPE, MEXICO, MASS, POPEMOBILE, CATHOLIC, PRIESTS, BISHOPS, PARADE, DAN QUAYLE, TROOPS, DEPARTMENT STORES ; DX WS Pope descends stairs of plane, VAR Crowd gathered to greet Pope, VAR Pope greets president & waves to people ; DX WS Crowds line street for parade, INT Man w/glasses talking head, INT MS Man makes sign of the cross, DX WS Mexican cathedral ;DX WS Military marching band w/Cathedral in BG, WS Men march w/rifles, MS Anchorwoman talking head, INT VAR People in cathedral ; DX WS Ext Cathedral, INT Man talking head, DX WS Cops in white gloves, WS Pope & Mexican pres. on red carpet, MS Pope-mobile ; INT CU Man talking head, DX VAR City streets, WS Popemobile on the move, VAR Crazy street parade for Pope, CU Classic Pope waving ; DX WS VAR Billboards welcoming Pope to Mexico, WS Happy crowds waving, MS Anchor woman talking head, WS Ext. Convention center ; DX MS Pope sits on throne & dons large Pope-hat, VAR Vendor sells Pope visors, VAR CU Pope trinkets (keychains, t-shirts, candles) ; DX CU Vendor talking head, VAR Pope kitsch, DX WS Crazy street parade, VAR Pope in Pope-mobile waving, WS People dancing for Pope ; INT WS Large service performed w/Pope, VAR church-goers, VAR Pope accoutrement sold on street ; INT WS Excited church-goers, MS Pope delivers Mass, WS Pope walks thru crowd, MS Pope waves to masses, WS Masses, WS Priests ; INT MS Pope holds up wafer for sacrament, WS Pope & president walk in garden, VAR Pres. delivers speech on runway ;INT WS Pope & pres. sit in plush chairs, MS Pres. gives Pope a gift, DX WS Ext. Mexican capitol building, WS People feed pigeons ;INT WS Pope gives communion, Super WS Mass for Pope, DX WS Crowd walks w/Pope-mobile, WS Running musicians, WS Enthusiastic nuns ; DX Super WS Enormous crowd gathered to see Pope, MS Anchorwoman talking head ; DX WS Popemobile & crowds: VAR, WS Impoverished section of town, INT WS Pope's mass in cathedral, VAR WS Peasant life ; DX VAR Dirty kids living in poverty, INT Pews full of people in suits (is CNN making a statement?), VAR Pope reads proclamation ; DX VAR Pope blesses crowd w/incense, INT CU Priest talk head, DX Aerial Pope's parade, VAR People cleaning & painting & gardening ; INT CU Man talking head, DX VAR Outdoor service held for Pope, DX MS VAR 2 Clowns juggle, VAR Ext Bank buildings, CU Money ; DX VAR Outdoor grocer sells fruit & vegetables, MS Anchorwoman talking head, VAR peds on street, VAR Woman cooks pancakes (?) ; INT VAR Department store w/shoppers, DX WS Man plays accordian on sidewalk, MS Cute kids hold hat, WS Man w/shopping cart of stuff; DX MS Man curls fake hair on mannequin, VAR WS Mexico City w/smog, INT MS Man w/coke-bottle glasses talking head, DX VAR Traffic ; DX VAR Mexico City w/smog, VAR Traffic, WS Cars in gas station, INT Maternity ward VAR (babies & nurses & mothers) ; DX CU Car exhaust, WS Peds & traffic, INT CU Redhead talking head, DX VAR Traffic, INT VAR Scientist in room of computers ; DX WS President of Honduras congratulated before large crowd by predecessor, WS Dan Quayle waves, MS Venezualan president waves ;DX WS Peds on sidewalk, VAR Men read newspaper, DX VAR Armed soldiers in camo in the jungle, INT CU Man talking head ;DX VAR Military kitchen, MS Military official talking head, VAR Marching soldiers, MS Soldier holds baby, MS Anchorwoman talk head ; DX MS Dan Quayle talking head @ podium, VAR Quayle @ podium w/Venezuelan president, WS Pres. of Honduras @ podium ;DX MS Anchorman talking head, MS Quayle & Venezuelan president talkingheads, VAR CU Handbags as peds walk down sidewalk (odd) ; DX VAR Looking into clothing store's windows at customers shopping, CU Shopper talking head ;