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01:00:00 0 |
All kinds of natural beauty rainforest, black bears, sloth: sloth hanging from tree, cu mother with baby on tummy, climbs down
01:02:07 127 |
cu sloth's face, seems bashful
01:05:26 326.12 |
raindrops falling in lake
01:06:01 361.8 |
rain on sloth
01:06:40 400.26 |
bird on tree, wet sloth hangs from branches, sloth eating, scratches, eating, climbing
01:16:54 1014.49 |
full moon in the silhouette of tree
01:17:17 1037.64 |
cu white monkey
01:17:44 1064.38 |
full moon, eagle on branch
01:18:02 1082.08 |
cu ram chewing, m/s rams in field
01:18:09 1089.74 |
bear w/fish in mouth, cub lying on its back
01:18:16 1096.36 |
birds in silhouette against sunset
01:18:26 1106.91 |
walrus, deer cu antlers
01:18:52 1132.18 |
sea otter in water cracks oysters
01:19:17 1157.07 |
seal on shore and u/w
01:19:36 1176.75 |
w/s silhouette duck on misty lake, cu bald eagle
01:19:57 1197.03 |
various desert beauty- includes weathered narrow canyon walls
01:20:38 1238.55 |
winter, snow covered branches, snow falling on caribou female moose in rain
01:21:23 1283.31 |
bald eagle on bare branch, eagle soars
01:21:48 1308.87 |
bear in the stream, moose, wolf
01:21:59 1319.45 |
sea otter, seals
01:22:08 1328.14 |
c/u crabs
01:22:11 1331.68 |
silhouette birds over the water
01:22:21 1341.62 |
bear, and cubs
01:23:11 1391.5 |
sun setting over ocean
01:26:45 1605.67 |
salmon swim upstream
01:27:53 1673.34 |
black bears on rocks, cubs, licks, scratches self, bear with fish in mouth
01:35:21 2121.72 |
bear cub in tree
01:37:59 2279.85 |
monkey in tree branches
01:38:32 2312.5 |
cu bug on leaf
01:38:55 2335.07 |
monkeys, mom and baby
01:40:01 2401.54 |
cu monkey hangs from tail
01:50:16 3016.3 |
stream in jungle, rainforest, hikers, rain falls in jungle, worm on leaf, pan and 360 degree tree canopy rainforest
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
[email protected]
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