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01:00:00 0 |
01:00:04 4.21 |
DX EXT thin cow in cracked, dry African desert, local rests in sun, man w/odd scratches on face plays instrument
01:01:35 95.29 |
DX EXT bird flies, cracked vases, rainmaker steps out of home, prepares sacrifice, kills chicken, prays on hilltop
01:02:53 173.92 |
DX EXT rainmaker claps, child watches, clouds come in, raindrops fall, man sits in hut while it rains, begins to pour
01:05:04 304.52 |
DX EXT the mules, sheep & chickens stand in the rain, not happy, locals walk around, man watches rain & walks inside
01:05:56 356.89 |
DX EXT kids splash around in the mud, woman digs in soft dirt, naked kids splash in stream, baby turtle crawls into water
01:07:57 477.19 |
DX EXT pan across landscape, huge thunderclap, NX INT gas lamp in hut, mother & child look up @ ceiling, lightning strike
01:09:19 559.37 |
DX EXT smoking tree after being struck by lightning, truck drives over muddy road, men try to repair truck stuck in mud
01:10:53 653.1 |
DX EXT man locks barrier chain on pole, pan across muddy landscape, water flows more rapidly into river, workers in field
01:12:07 727.29 |
DX EXT more workers in field, man pounds away @ rock, workers wash rocks in large puddle, man drive away in truck
01:13:35 815.99 |
DX EXT var shots of forest, photo of group of pygmies, men w/nets go in search of game, women prepare shelter
01:14:32 872.35 |
DX EXT pygmies build hut, use large leaves to make roofing, mother washes baby, boy fires arrow @ fruit ball
01:16:02 962.66 |
DX EXT mother & son play string game, women hack @ fruit preparing for meal, sees places in pot & cooked, woman mashes seeds
01:16:54 1014.02 |
DX EXT men cut tree, carve tree bark, pygmies makes stool out of branches, man makes diaper out of tree bark
01:18:30 1110.49 |
DX EXT kids eat roasted grasshoppers for snack time, pygmies walk on stilts, women play jacks, kids sing & play music
01:20:11 1211.68 |
DX EXT var shots of bugs, grasshoppers, birds, etc, pangolin climbs trees, pygmies climbs after pangolin, men prepare for hunt
01:21:25 1285.96 |
DX EXT cus of men preparing poison-tipped arrows, pygmies hunt, fire arrows @ monkey, pygmies dance in celebration
01:24:04 1444.34 |
DX EXT women play skip-rope, body painting, NX INT old man tells stories to children, they reach arms out to stars
01:26:53 1613.8 |
DX EXT sunlight reflects in misty mountains, huge waterfall, var shots, mist of waterfall in trees, like rain, flowing river
01:28:45 1725.94 |
DX EXT monkey makes weird sounds, climbs on fig tree, figs on tree, monkeys climbs branches, eat leaves, relax in tree
01:31:28 1888.54 |
DX EXT deep roots to fig tree, iguana climbs branch, eats leaves, tree snake wants baby iguana for lunch & gets what it wants
01:32:45 1965.33 |
DX EXT iguana kicking back & sunning itself in tree, cu iguana eye, sees black hawk flying overhead
01:33:43 2024 |
DX EXT iguana does a swan dive off the tree into the river, swims safely underwater, turtle eats leaves in water
01:35:20 2120 |
DX EXT snails eat leaves & figs, leaf skeleton, var shots of fig tree, int tiny fig wasp crawls in fig & lays eggs, then dies
01:38:00 2280.69 |
DX EXT parasitic wasps lay eggs outside fig, but feeds off fig wasp larva, cu wasp sticks thin tube through fig, crane down tree
01:40:28 2428.97 |
DX EXT very excited vine snake sees frog, but frog can fight back so snake goes away, strangler vines wrap around fig tree
01:41:50 2510.5 |
DX EXT toucan climbs into hole in tree, flies out of tree, has large grasshopper in mouth, bees rest in hole of tree
01:44:17 2657 |
DX EXT weird bird makes calls, fly grooms itself on leaf, many flies lick figs, male wasp emerges from larva
01:46:31 2791.33 |
DX EXT wasp climbs out of hole, impregnates unborn female, dies (some life!), females emerge from hole, move around in fig
01:48:05 2885.46 |
DX EXT wasps emerge from fig, many wasps climb on fig, look for other figs to lay their own eggs, figs drop in water
01:51:01 3061.83 |
DX EXT more figs fall from tree, peckerie eats fig, looks like wild boar, flowing stream, var shots of fig tree
01:53:16 3196.08 |
DX EX duck silhouetted in sun, more of the misty mountains, monkey in tree
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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