NEWSFEED 1/16/03, FIRE, FIREFIGHTERS, SMOKE, NASA, COLUMIBIA SHUTTLE LAUNCH, ROCKET, CONTRAIL, AIRCRAFT CARRIER ;FIRE: DX Hi-angle on city street crawling w/firefighters (I count 5 fire engines w/flashing) & going in/out of Plastics building ; FIRE: Another hi-shot of the same: lots of firefighters in front of trashed-out Plastics building ; FIRE: Hi-angle WS Building on fire (looks very urban, could be any city) w/lots of black smoke ; FIRE: Shot cont. as firefighters turn on a hose & begin watering the building z-out further to show firefighters working ;FIRE: Shot cont. z-in to CU 2 streams of water battle blaze, z-out WS Fighting fire (TONS of white smoke) ;FIRE: Z-in to Firefighters shooting hoses from 'buckets' on the end of cranes, z-out Super WS You can see the whole neighborhood ;FIRE: So High up it may be an aerial Pan over city & z-in to another smoking fire across town, VAR Pans back to original fire below; FIRE: DX Aerial WS Factory-type big building on fire (this looks hardcore: lots of flames), Z-in firefighter on ladder shoots hose ;FIRE: Aerial around to other side of blazing building (you're gonna need a lot more than one hose on this one, buddy) ; FIRE: Z-in to one flaming hellish corner of building, VAR Tilt-u/d column of smoke, VAR zooms in&out on flaming building ; FIRE: Z-in to Fireman on ladder shooting hose @ perhaps the only section of building not visibly on fire..admittedly, I haven't been to firefighting school & he has, but still..FIRE: Z-in to roof as it slowly becomes engulfed in flames, VAR angles on burning building as more firefighters join in ; FIRE: Z-in to CU 2 firefighters on the end of a crane firing water at the blaze ; FIRE: Every room & the whole roof is now on fire.Wait! My address book is in there!You can't go back! Are you crazy?But that girl's number is only in my book!The girl from the party? The one in all the GAP ads?WHY GOD WHY? ..Ah, the human condition..FIRE: z-in to CU Fierce flames, Super WS Disastrous fire devours large building, z-into firefighter on crow's nest on crane ; FIRE: Aerial WS Building continues to burn, Z-in to flame-filled windows, z-in firefighter in crow's nest on crane sprays water ; FIRE: Z-in to one corner of burning building, MS Firefighters enter yellow house ; NASA: INT WS NASA ground control center (basically a room w/computers & eggheads), DX WS Shuttle strapped to rocket on launch pad ; NASA: CU Nose of shuttle COLUMBIA, prepared for launch, INT WS Tilt-U Ground control room, DX WS Shuttle strapped to rocket ready to take-off ; NASA: INT VAR Ground control scientists at work, DX WS Rocket begins smoking, INT VAR Scientists, DX CU Noseof shuttle ; NASA: DX WS People gathered to take photos w/Shuttle way in BG, WS Shuttle, CU Smoking exhaust from end of rocket ; NASA: VAR repetition of previous images to heighten suspense of launch ; NASA: CU POV of the shuttle as the cap holding it to the launch pad releases, CU the same action from an outside perspective ; NASA: DX WS Rocket & shuttle COLUMBIA, are released from support structures, WS Spectators (window burn counts down time) ; NASA: DX CU Rockets fire up, WS Rocket lifts off leaving an enormous cloud of smoke in its wake, CU Shuttle & rocket tears thru sky ; NASA: WS Long contrail disappears into a bright dot in the sky, CU Shuttle & rocket enter darker & darker atmosphere ;NASA: WS Fluffy white contrail, CU Rocket looks like 3 bright dots in the sky, WS Spectators; AIRCRAFT CARRIER: DX VAR Aerial on carrier w/lots of troops & sleek looking fighter helicopters, z-out Super WS carrier on water ;