20002000s NEWS
NEWSFEED, 2/29/00 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES FOR 2000, SHOOTINGS, POLICE, NYSE, KILLER WHALE, OIL STRIKE, ARMORED CAR SPILL, PINOCHET, CUBAN DIPLOMAT; DX GERMANY: American teenagers arrested for throwing rocks onto cars - killing two, military brats kids of military personnel; DX CAMBRIDGE/MIT: MIT gets $350 million grant for brain research, TALK HEAD on the importance of brain research; DX SCHOOL SHOOTINGS: Mt. Morristownship, Michigan, aftermath of school shooting, parents hugging kids; NX YALE MURDER: unsolved murder of Yale undergraduate, TALK HEAD victims teacher is a suspect, Father interviewed, New Haven; INT LEAP YEAR: problems caused by leap year, Japan ATM machines, New York Stock Exchange woman w/gavel, VAR parents w/newborn; DX EXT CLINTON/FLORIDA: Clinton speaks to reporters in Florida about shooting in MI of 6 year old child; DX EXT DOG TRAPPED/KANSAS, dog stuck behind engine of parked car is rescued by fire fighters, very cute puppy shot at end; INT VA/WA VOTING: primary voting polls, people at voting booth, McCain & Bush speak, Clinton speaks, Bradley shakes hands; INT SHOOTING/PA: TALK HEAD polices pokesman at press conference about shooting spree at McDonalds, Wilkinsburg, PA; INT WS NEW YORK CITY: Stock Exchange closing bell, man bangs gavel. KAYLA ROLLAND: still photo of young girl; INT FS PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES: results of Super Tuesday, W. Bush around crowd of supporters, VAR Bush, McCain, Gore, Bradley; INT MS YALE MURDER: TALK HEAD report on suspects ; DX INT/EXT LAPD SCANDAL: police car drives away, Perez in jail clothes speaks in court, CU pounds of cocaine, cop with rifle; DX INT/EXT CLASSROOM SHOOTING/MI: MS parents guilty of child neglect, mom crying, FS medics loading victim onto ambulance; DX EXT FS SPRING TRAINING: baseball pitcher pitches, batter swings; INT MS JOHN ROCKER APOLOGY: Orlando, FL, Rocker apologizes for offensive remarks, FS Rocker pitching, signing autographs; DX EXT PINOCHET RELEASED: protesters, motorcade w/police in FG, Chilean jet takes off, VAR Pinochet, VAR B/W Chilean war 1970s; DX EXT CUBAN DIPLOMAT EXPELLED: diplomat expelled from US and returned home to Cuba, snowy motorcade, boarding Cuban jet in fog; INT SERBIAN WAR CRIMINALS: wanted poster of Milosevic and others for war crimes; INT FS INTERNET SALES: TALK HEAD Commerce Secretary releases first official internet sales figures; INT FS CLINTON: President at Patients' Bill of Rights press conference; DX EXT AERIAL two cops stand by poolside, two cops stand by burned area near park - no info on these shots; DX INT/EXT SHOOTING SPREE TRIAL: Pittsburg, Ronald Taylor arraigned on 3rd murder charge for shootings at Wilkensburg McDonalds; DX EXT OIL STRIKE: Venezuela oil workers strike, FS workers in crowded ralley, police in riot gear, cars getting gas; DX EXT OIL STRIKE: Venezuela oil strike, soldiers in riot gear w/crowd in BG, AERIAL WS oil plants & factories, oil drill; DX EXT ICELAND/KILLER WHALE: Keiko the whale prepping for release into sea, keeper feeds whale, CU Keiko the whale, holding pen; DX EXT KILLER WHALE: huge aircraft lands in Iceland, crowd watches, killer whale lowered on harness into holding pen; DX EXT EST HOLDING PEN: for Keiko in Iceland, keeper pets whale,whale jumps out of water twice, great shots; DX INT/EXT POLITICAL ADS: for Bush, McCain, Gore & Bradley, Prop 22 signs burned, Prop 30 pros & cons; DX EXT ARMORED CAR: spills coins on highway in Seattle, AERIAL Z-IN armored car/cops highway, workers picking up 1000's of spilled coins; INT Presidential candidates rally as Super Tuesday looms, WS McCain & supporters, FS crowd, Bush defends ads, Bradley/Gore; DX EXT HELICOPTER: Miami, shot of news helicopter before it crashed, footage does NOT show crash; WEATHER GRAPHIC: weather map of U.S.showing VAR weather conditions i.e. sun in midwest, cloudy Florida, cold front Calif, etc