19991990s NEWS
NEWSFEED JANUARY 4, 1999, WEATHER, GERMANY, IRAQ, VARIOUS; DX USA: WEATHER, downtown traffic in snow, snowplows, traffic in blizzard conditions, shoveling snow, suburban street w/ snow; DX USA: WEATHER, people stand in lines at airport check in, VAr of people in airport, airplane taxiing on runway; DX GERMANY/FRA: BLIZZARD/HEAT, heavy snowfall w/ some bldg.'s, people walk in snow, horse carriage, french corner cafe; DX GERM/FRA: CONT'D, waiter serves drinks on patio of corner cafe, tempurature sign, castle/cliffs on ocean; DX GERM/FRA: CONT'D, people sit swim surf at beach one girl is topless, sitting on terrace looking at ocean; DX LITHUANIA: TRIAL, ext. court bldg., man walks in, VAR people inside, reporters take statements, WS courtroom; DX LITHUANIA: TRIAL, man in wheelchair, reporters & photographers, old war photos; DX USA/MIDEAST: UNREST, men gather in tent to to eat/listen to guest speak, jewish people clean up camp; DX USA/MIDEAST: UNREST, kids throw rocks in the streets, police control situation, clinton & wife escort official; DX IRAQ/USA/FILE: INCIDENT, talking head, two jaguar jet fighters, man speaks from pentagon; DX IRAQ/USA/FILE: ARMY/UNSCOM, old military officer is honored & visits mural, talking head, clips of washington post; DX IRAQ/USA/FILE: ARMY/UNSCOM, row of flags, man talks at security council, official enters bldg., talking heads; DX USA: CONGRESS, L-SHOT capitol bldg., congress meets, clinton enters room, talking head, stack of impeachment cards; DX USA: CONGRESS, men walk down hall, clinton is sworn in,monika & clinton hug, men walk down steps, men enter congress room; DX UK/FILE: BETROTHAL, couple stands together for photos, princess diana charles' marriage, couple talks; DX UK: ENGAGEMENT REACTS, headline edward to wed sophie, press outside bldg., carriage enters, buckingham palace; DX UK: ENGAGEMENT REACTS, talking heads, english home, man buys paper, old gothic bldg. looks like church; DX CHINA: KIDNAP ARRESTS, ext. bldg. entrance, chinese writing, chinese men being interrogated, stacks of $ & pagers; DX UK: CHER, harrods department store, musicians, line outside, bagpipe players, cher pulls up, taking tour of store; DX UK/SPAIN: BAR TEAM, british racing center, man takes new formula car out for a spin, two cars & the drivers talk & pose; NX CHINA: ICE, musical percession next to ice castle, VAR people walk in ice castle, VAR ice castle, VAR men making snow figures; DX USA: NBA AGREEMENT, patrick ewing walks into elevator, white man talks to press; DX COLOMBIA: PEACE TALKS, military officers stand guard, people having street parade, women hold signs, ext. bldg.; DX COLOMBIA: PEACE TALKS, crowd sits in front of large stage, police stand by, man being escorted, audience claps (twice); DX IRAQ/GULF: BAGHDAD/PLANES, ext. UN bldg., UN trucks drive by, traffic in city, truck vendor, peds, papers, burning flags; DX IRAQ/GULF: CONT'D, protesters, people recieving papers, cleaning flight deck & planes of carrier, plane takes off; DX USA: IMPEACHMENT, ext. capitol bldg., senate meeting, talking heads, senate room, ext. capitol bldg.; DX UK: SOPHIE,ext. red brick bldg., press waits, press mobs sophie, VAR photographers snapping off shots, she enters bldg.; DX UK: FLU, doctors & nurses taking care of patients, VAR equipment, patients, hospial ward; DX S.AFRICA: BLAIR VISIT, protesters drive by in truck, mob of people holding anti-america signs, police officers; DX S.AFRICA: BLAIR VISIT, protesters burn the american flag, they stop a police convoy, smoke bombs deployed, people scatter; DX S.AFRICA: BLAIR VISIT, police officers take cover & advance, they catch & struggle w/ one man