NEWSFEED: 1/12-15/06, IRAQ, SIMULATED EARTHQUAKES, GREEN PIG, PROTESTS, MONGOLIA, NORTH KOREA, FIRE, BIRD FLU, ALITO HEARINGS; INDONESIA: DX EXT prisoners board helicopter; NORTH KOREA: INT nukes conference, US rep discusses NK, many Korean dignitaries listen; PLANE ACCIDENT: NX aerial of plane after being hit by car (you heard me...); SOUTH KOREA STEM CELL: INT reporters capture scientist apologizing for faking research data; BIRD FLU: INT Indonesian man works on computer, woman on hospital respirator, body placed in ambulance, coffin lowered; SYNAGOGUE: INT Russian Jews in prayer, var shots from inside temple, star of David on ceiling; HOSPITAL: NX EXT hospital houses burn victims after fire; SNOW: cool windshield POV of car driving through walls of ice, snow capped hills, Japanese landscapers take snow measurements; DX EXT cu icicles, INT Japanese children singing in school, DX EXT bulldozer, Japanese sign; ALITO HEARINGS: Ted Kennedy assails Sam Alito during hearing, other senators aren't too kind, Alito's wife cries in BG; PLANE/CAR ACCIDENT: NX aerial of private jet on tarmac w/jeep smashed into it's wing (how do you hit a plane with your car?); DITCH: DX aerial bulldozer rests over near house, truck in ditch---there might be a body involved; GREEN PIGS: still photo of green pigs, won't be easy for them; KATRINA DOLPHINS: DX EXT aquarium destroyed after Katrina, dolphins in tank, workers release dolphins back to the ocean; ATLANTIS RESORT: film shots of hotel resort; CANNIBAL: INT courtroom, German cannibal enters, lots of photos taken; STAMPEDE: NX EXT Al Aribiya broadcast w/Arabic crawl shows victims of stampede being tended to; PRISON BEATING: video captures black male accosting white male in closed cell, T/H victim recalls incident; GERMAN CHANCELLOR IN DC: NX EXT motorcade arrives, female chancellor gives speech (in German), dines w/Colin Powell; MONGOLIAN PROTEST: DX EXT huge crowd in Mongolia, people shoving one another, lots of shouting, flag, waving and smoke; DX EXT protesters break windows, storm building, walk inside, ws thousands of protesters hold signs; GREEN PIG: guy in lab-coat tries to feed green pigs in pen, they still look pink but have a filmy-green layer in the light; YEAR OF THE DOG: INT dog show in China, some of the dogs wear sweaters and hats; FASHION SHOW: models showcase fall fashion line; NEPAL PROTEST: DX EXT thousands protest in Nepal, holding up red banners, station bug on top right corner of screen; SAUDI ARABIA: INT locals search boards for missing loved ones, photos on boards are of the dead, one guy may have found someone; CHINA: DX EXT var shots of police cars driving, cars parked in front of bldg, officers stand at attention, peds outside bldg; BIRD FLU: boxes of processed chicken in truck, some boxes open showing ugly carcass meat, ducks on farm; SIMULATED EARTHQUAKE: INT huge 5 story building IN warehouse sways , INT room shaking, workers inspect structure damage; IRAN: INT Iranian ambassador holds briefing in English; BIRD FLU: DX EXT pigeons in boxes, man pets pigeon, INT people play cards on pigeon farm,FIRE: DX EXT structure on fire, people dangle on huge banners outside building--scary; THAILAND: DX EXT monks protesting, people waving flags, chanting, monks sit very still, one argues w/police officer; BAD WEATHER: DX EXT var shots of snow in small town, traffic light swings, man shovels snow, workers fix power lines, traffic; BIRD FLU: INT hospital, sick boy sleeps, another boy in bed, doctors carry covered body into ambulance; EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION: CU original document on display, GW Bush puts on his glasses and reads document, briefs press;