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04:00:00 0.66 |
Various MS, MCU's of a black business man wearing dark suit, walking down sidewalk holding a briefcase in one hand and talking on his cellular phone, trees & people on the sidewalk in FG, also some shots of man without his briefcase x 10.
04:06:27 387.82 |
Various MCU's, starting off with MCU of a glass door with a sign on it that reads, 'Cable & Wireless' and reflection of parked cars reflected on the glass, then the door swings open and a black woman wearing a black and white business type dress, she comes out smiling and talking in some shots x 12.
04:09:56 596.53 |
Various low angle MS's, shot from the bottom of a buildings small front staircase, several people walking in & out of building's glass doors and a black business man walks down stairs and he gives a thumbs up at the bottom of the stairs, crowd cheering unseen. (almost in your face shot) x 6.
04:12:05 725.52 |
Various MS, MCU's of various cars and trucks in Jamaica, passing by the National Commercial Bank in the 1st shot, a passing driver gives a thumbs up, also shot from tilted low angle shot of road from various angles, var shots Cable and Wireless Company vans driving, voices can be heard by x 13.
04:14:12 852.86 |
Various MS, MCU's of a black man wearing a all white outfit sitting alone in large blue bleachers, zooms in on his face, he looks as if he is thinking while chewing on something/gum, many empty blue chairs in BG x 20.
04:15:05 905.23 |
Lone Black man, Jimmy Adams, well known Jamaican Cricket Player, dressed in white sitting in bleachers, lower left side of shot. He states in about 10-15 takes, "I'm Jimmy Adams. I'm always ready". x10+. MSs & MCU's.
04:21:56 1316.14 |
Various MCU, MS's of a black man/worker standing behind a large cement mixer, the man is wearing a blue safety/hard hat and a blue shirt, he looks very happy and gives a thumbs up, three other workers walk by with shovels resting over their shoulders, the down side of a tree covered hill with several houses and buildings in valley in BG x 5.
04:24:16 1456.55 |
Various MCU, MS's of a black family, small boy & girl, mother and father, the mother and father are sitting together at a table outside on their multi-story balcony/porch, shot from inside looking out, the children are sitting with parents or walking around looking into the unseen camera, parents shot by themselves drinking coffee also, buildings, trees, mountains and sky in BG x 25.
04:33:38 2018.97 |
Reel end.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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