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01:00:40 0.37 |
Twist craze reel begins
01:00:41 1.37 |
Well-dressed couple entering The Quid - Supper Club in Chicago. Early 1960's.
01:00:47 8 |
Interior pan The Quid. small indoor swimming pool, a white fake Christmas tree floating in the middle. Well dressed middle aged audience seated at small tables, supper club style. Girl in bikini seated on small stage.
01:01:15 35.93 |
Emcee, Jim Lounsbury, on stage addressing the crowd seated nightclub style at tables. Large white wreath on wall. With Narration.
01:01:24 44.35 |
Early rock 'n roll band, Tobin Matthews and the All Stars wearing shiny blue suits perform on night club stage. Classic early surf rock. Audience shots.
01:03:04 144.3 |
Fashionable early '60's gals in the audience enjoying the music
01:03:24 164.72 |
Well dressed '60's supper club crowd applauding.
01:03:25 166.22 |
Performance ends in applause. Lounsbury back on stage and introduces next act, a twister dancer, Joe Cavalier.
01:03:36 177.11 |
Joe Cavalier dancing a wild Twist on stage to live performance by Tobin Matthews and the All Stars. Joined by Twisting ladies from Paris, New York and Chicago, wearing colorful midriff tops and hip hugger pants.
01:04:25 226.23 |
Las Vegas style Supper club audience enjoying the entertainment.
01:04:51 251.98 |
Twister gals in white midriff blouses and colorful pedal pusher pants twist dancing away barefoot. Classic. fun
01:05:20 281.11 |
Close up twister's swinging hips, wearing red pedal pushers, and no shoes.
01:05:26 286.85 |
Middle aged audience diggin' it.
01:05:31 291.94 |
Joe Cavalier twisting as fast as one can.
01:05:48 308.4 |
Trio of young twisting female dancers wearing fringed bathing suits and dancing to tunes by Tobin Matthews and the All Stars. Having a blast.
01:06:06 326.93 |
Pan from their waist down on their very fast twisting legs and wearing red shoes. Fringed bathing suits shaking.
01:06:14 334.41 |
Audience, young guy alone at table smiling and snapping his fingers, older ladies smiling laughing.
01:06:18 339.18 |
Girls continuing twisting away, could be the Windy City Twisters.
01:06:42 363.15 |
Ending in applause, the girls twist off the stage. Audience applauding.
01:06:48 368.91 |
Lounsbury back on stage with dancers encourages audience to learn the twist. Dancers going out into audience to gather up people willing to give it a try.
01:07:09 390.23 |
Audience members crowded on stage dancing with twisters, learning the dance. Twisting away to the All Stars version of Chubby Checker's, The Twist
01:07:35 415.97 |
Young man in audience sitting by himself, hands up in the air, enjoying himself.
01:07:36 417.18 |
Pretty Red Hair'd waitress holding tray of drinks and twisting away.
01:07:39 420.28 |
various shots at night club everyone doing the twist - the cook and waitress twisting crazily, ladies in the pool twisting, crowded stage of happy twisters, audience young and old at tables standing, twisting away.. a total twist party. Twisting Frenzy...
01:08:34 474.53 |
End happy Twist Craze Reel.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
[email protected]
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