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01:00:01 0 |
B-Roll: El Capitan theatre marquee, “Bolt” World Premiere, zoom in and out, pan down to banner background, back to front of marquee, wide shot of marquee pan down to banner background, side of marquee, zoom out, tilt up to “El Capitan” signage, wide shot marquee.
01:02:46 165.67 |
B-Roll: Banner background “Bolt” zoom in and out, on characters pan over to “Bolt” title, “El Capitan signage tilt down to marquee, pan over to banner background, the roll the “Bolt” people ball on the red carpet, the marquee again, zoom in to title on marquee, zoom out, zoom in, the people ball rolls again on the red carpet, pan up to marquee, pan back to banner background pan up to marquee.
01:06:23 382.67 |
B-Roll: Start at “3-D” signage pan over to wide shot of banner background, pan up to marquee, pan down to banner background, the red carpet full wide, pan over to media as they set up, the people ball rolls down again, CU on people ball signage, tilt up to marquee, pan across the marquee tilt down to ball, wide shot of people ball with people inside of it, they wave to camera, zoom in on girls in ball zoom out.
01:09:27 566.67 |
B-Roll: Susie Essman arrives and stands for the press.
01:11:59 718.67 |
B-Roll: Fashion Shot/ Kat Kramer
01:12:19 738.67 |
B-Roll: Fashion Shot/Mrs. Kramer
01:12:33 752.67 |
B-Roll: Mr. T arrives and gets interviewed by press, characters arrive and stands for press, character dog “Bolt” stands for the pics on red carpet, they move about on the carpet, Mark Walton arrives and plays around with one of the characters
01:15:24 923.67 |
Sound Bite: Kari Wahlgren – “Mindy” – Bolt
Gosh, if there going to let me come to this movie, that’s a big deal, it’s pretty exciting, you know, so I’m just excited to be part of it and glad that they brought me on board for it |
01:15:52 951.67 |
Sound Bite: Kari Wahlgren – “Mindy” – Bolt
Distain, definitely distain, Lola is, probably one of the snottiest cats ever, but I love her what can you do. |
01:16:20 979.67 |
B-Roll: Character right in front of us on Red Carpet, playing around. CU and 2 shots of characters and various shots.
01:17:57 1076.67 |
Sound Bite: Susie Essman – “Mittens” – Bolt
I’m wearing Lynette Lapore |
01:18:02 1081.67 |
Sound Bite: Susie Essman – “Mittens” – Bolt
Well they asked me number one and I always wanted to do a Disney animated movie and then I read the script and fell in love with the character, um, I just loved her emotional arch through the movie and then they told me that John Travolta was playing the dog, so I thought oh I get to act with John Travolta, which doesn’t happen because in animation you record it by yourself, but that’s OK, um, there was absolutely no reason not to do it, it’s a great script, a great story, I met Chris Williams the director and he has such an infectious enthusiasm and is so focus and detail oriented, I knew it was going to be good. |
01:18:53 1132.67 |
Sound Bite: Susie Essman – “Mittens” – Bolt
Walk himself, especially, we live in New York, especially in the winter, (she laughs) |
01:19:22 1161.67 |
B-Roll: Fashion Shot/ Susie Essman – “Mittens” – Bolt
01:19:43 1182.67 |
Sound Bite: Jenny Lewis – Singer/Actress
I’m wearing Jovich Hawk, my friend Milla designed this dress. |
01:20:35 1234.67 |
Sound Bite: Jenny Lewis – Singer/Actress
That’s a good question, I’m always a fan of anthropomorphism, I knew I would be able to use that word, at some point in my life, um, I guess, loyalty, although that’s more for dogs than humans, sort of I’m looking for a dog who is out of the ordinary, not perfect looking, I’m into 3 legs, whatever it is I find at the pound, I’ll take it as my own and love. |
01:21:39 1298.67 |
B-Roll: Fashion Shot/Jenny Lewis – Singer/Actress
01:21:54 1313.67 |
B-Roll: The carpet and Mr. T being interviewed, tilt up to find James Lipton
01:23:17 1396.67 |
Sound Bite: Debby Ryan – Actress
Talking so I could know what’s going on, because sometimes it really hard to understand what they are feeling, so definitely talking |
01:23:48 1427.67 |
B-Roll: Fashion Shot/ Debby Ryan
01:25:29 1528.67 |
Sound Bite: Mr. T. – “Voice of Himself” – Bolt
Well first they had to invite me, Mr. T, don’t just go places that he’s not invited, you know what I mean, cause they want to say, he’s just starting trouble you at the door you know what I mean, (he laughs) You see, I get invited to a lot of places and I still don’t show up, but this is a cute little a movie, you got Miley how could you say no, I’m like a fan, see all all those thousands people over there, I’m a fan too. |
01:25:59 1558.67 |
Sound Bite: Mr. T. – “Voice of Himself” – Bolt
A human trait? OC: Yeah, from Mr. T’s dog. Mr. T.: Ahhhhh, to talk. OC: What would it talk? Mr. T.: Huh? So my dog would run up to people and instead of biting them, say,” I pity the fool”. (he laughs) |
01:27:36 1655.67 |
Sound Bite: John Lasseter – Executive Producer – Bolt with Mrs. Nancy Lasseter
Oh, I tell you I’m so excited to be here, the world premiere of “Bolt” on Hollywood Boulevard, this is thrilling, this is um, this is the first film, I’ve been involved with the Walt Disney Studios from beginning to end, I’m so proud of this film, it’s got so much, it’s really funny, and such heart you know, Walt Disney always said, for every laughter there should be a tear and I think it really shows in this film, it’s a really special film. |
01:28:04 1683.67 |
Sound Bite: John Lasseter – Executive Producer – Bolt with Mrs. Nancy Lasseter
You know at Pixar and at the Walt Disney Animation studios all computer animated films that we will be making will be in 3-D, I love 3-D, I made a, I loved it for a long time, I made a short film in 3-D, a computer animated, short film at Pixar in 1989 in fact the year before we got married, in 1988, we took our wedding pictures in 3-D, so I love 3-D, finally the world has caught up, and we get to make these 3-D films I think it’s really exciting. |
01:29:20 1759.67 |
Sound Bite: John Lasseter – Executive Producer – Bolt with Mrs. Nancy Lasseter
Well our dog Frank is a wiener dog is a dachshund and he just loves to actually hang out with you, he wants to be with you, he’s kind of a borrower, he kind of gets in bed and digs down and finds us under the covers and um, and Moose our chocolate Lab, that’s a good name Chocolate Moose, he’s a puppy and he just loves to lick you, he’s just wants to be, uh. |
01:30:24 1823.67 |
B-Roll: Fashion Shot/Mrs. Nancy Lasseter
01:31:16 1875.67 |
Sound Bite: Mark Walton – “Rhino” – Bolt
Well the thing, that was pretty wonderful, was that I pretty much got to play myself, you know, Rhino the hamster is the ultimate geek, fan boy, nerd and that pretty much describes me, the comic-con geek, love sci-fi, fantasy movies, animation, Disney, you know, and I get to love in my dream you know, working for Disney and being an animated character and that’s what kind of what Rhino does in Bolt. |
01:31:59 1918.67 |
Sound Bite: Mark Walton – “Rhino” – Bolt
It would be nice if they could talk, you know, I wouldn’t mind asking them when they need to go out, or if they were having some medical problems I could take care of, or when there hungry, you know, or tell them to quiet down, better communication would be a wonderful thing. |
01:34:09 2048.67 |
Sound Bite: James Lipton – “The Director” – Bolt
It’s different, but at the same time, there that, that’s minus, the big plus, that your given such freedom, you’re encouraged to be, whatever comes into your mind, great thing for the imagination, you can be very spontaneous and that part of it is entirely enjoyable. |
01:35:06 2105.67 |
Sound Bite: James Lipton – “The Director” – Bolt
No, my wife won’t let me have one; she also won’t let me have a tattoo, that’s another story. OC: Well if she could let you have one, what kind of human trait would you like your cat or dog to have? James: Human trait, well I would like to be more nicer than most people are able to be, dogs are sweet and loving and their forgiving, there are people like that God knows, but most people don’t quit reach that extraordinary level of kindness. |
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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