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14:30:46 0 |
Sound Bite: Kevin Connolly, Justin Long, Ginnifer Goodwin – the cringe factor
Goodwin – Well they, because you’ve got, I mean I can only speak from my own character, but you know for instance Gigi is always walking so boldly in the wrong direction, but with such commitment and such conviction that she kind of has no choice but to trip and fall on her face, and yes that is cringe inducing. |
14:31:45 58.33 |
Sound Bite: Kevin Connolly, Justin Long, Ginnifer Goodwin – like watching a tennis match
Goodwin – Yeah absolutely. Well there’s, there are 9 main characters in this movie and with what 4 um you know intersecting storylines and they and each storyline is narrating um one of the major one of the key points of this self help book He’s Just Not That Into You. |
14:32:25 98.33 |
Sound Bite: Kevin Connolly, Justin Long, Ginnifer Goodwin – the stalking
Goodwin – Haha. I know I have been calling it stalking. Connolly – It’s obsessing over the aftermath of the date. Goodwin – Yeah and it is more obsessing over the aftermath than the actual date itself and the connection. Connolly – It wasn’t like it was some great date, it was just more about… Goodwin – About the fact that I am not having my well I’m not being called, and there’s an obsessing over… Connolly – And I said I would, right? Goodwin – And an overanalyzing and… Long – Just do the scenes. |
14:32:58 131.33 |
Sound Bite: Kevin Connolly, Justin Long, Ginnifer Goodwin – she’s not obsessing over the guy
Goodwin – I’m obsessing over… Long – The idea of somebody not liking you? Connolly – The aftermath. Goodwin – The analyzing. It’s the… Long – It drives you nuts. Crazy. Goodwin – The defining, the dissecting. Connolly – Just overanalyzing what the last thing I said was and your understanding of me. Long – I make her see that it’s a lot simpler than you’re giving it credit. It’s just kind of self explanatory. The signs are all right there, you don’t have to like read too far into it. I think your Jane character is just overanalyzing the situation. He’s not calling you, he doesn’t like you. Goodwin – No answer is your answer. Long – Right. And I think that’s important to keep in mind. I think that’s, when you lose sight of when you’re involved in something, you don’t have that perspective and my character is sort of emotionally detached, he’s been with a lot of women, he kind of knows relationships and knows women pretty well, and um so he has a good vantage point with which to dissect her you know in this situation. |
14:34:28 221.33 |
Sound Bite: Kevin Connolly, Justin Long, Ginnifer Goodwin – do you see yourself in any of these characters? *RC
Connolly – Well you know I think you know I kind of obviously haven’t been married or anything but I think I saw a little bit of myself in Conner and also Alex you know Justin’s character, you know you’ve been the guy that’s giving out the advice and uh you know you’ve been the guy that’s sort of chasing the girl that’s into her her interests lie in another place. Long – I think honestly I’ve saw a little bit of myself in each of the stories. Like there were moments in each of the stories that I had been in to some degree, so I related to pretty much all of them. Goodwin – I think that’s the beauty of the story is the perfection of the scripts, they’re all completely relatable, I think we’ve all been all these characters at different times. Connolly – *Long – I especially saw myself in this character (points to him on poster). Every time I saw him I was like, “God that’s me.” |
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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