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01:00:00 0 |
B&W film begins about the history of flying and the men who "looked to the sky". Narration about the film scrolls up overlays ocean waves along the shore.
01:00:20 20.05 |
CU a man on the beach with a dreamy look on his face. The words "If I could but fly..." overlay.
01:00:20 20.8 |
CU a seagull flying
01:00:23 23.52 |
Pictures (Drawings) of early heated air balloons in 1783 AD. "Ballooning" becomes wide spreac and popular.
01:00:53 53.58 |
A big round Union Army balloon outside a large barn during the Civil War. Army used it for observation purposes.
01:00:58 58.65 |
historical photo from late 19th century of an early Glider. - Two men out in a field, one on either side, holding the glider up.
01:01:08 68.39 |
B&W drawing of a man sitting in a glider
01:01:16 76.85 |
Early Glider, a tall structure with a ladder to get on, onlookers depicted below.
One of the first gliders attempting to use a means of power for flight, a man carrying machine. |
01:01:29 89.63 |
Late 19th century B&W photo of an early glider with an 'engine' - actually propellors - and a person manning it.
01:01:39 99.24 |
The Wright Brothers original Cycling Co. bike store - "Wright Cycle Co." sign above store front. Bicycles parked out front.
01:01:40 100.59 |
Interior pan of the Wright Brothers bike store with parts of the machine they built that they believed could sustain a man in flight.
01:01:49 109.47 |
B&W photo still Wilbur and Orville Wright.
01:01:55 115.83 |
CU of the water cooled 12 horsepower engine and the propellors which the Wright brothers designed.
01:02:01 121.41 |
B&W photo stills of the first engine powered glider plane.
01:02:15 135.46 |
B&W photo stills of Orville Wright flying the first engine powered plane on December 17, 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
01:02:38 158.49 |
Ext. store front, Wright Cycle Co., Dayton, Ohio
01:02:42 162.33 |
Controlling devices of the early flying machines made by the Wright brothers.
01:02:53 173.5 |
1907 early Wright Brother's flying machine in the air.
01:02:57 177.44 |
President Theodore Roosevelt standing in an American flag draped pulpit with his arm up in the air appears to be making a point in a speech. Early 1900's.
01:03:06 186.5 |
December 1909 - Hand holding and signing with a fountain pen, the government document number 486 which states the government would buy a flying machine from the lowest bidder with several specifications and requirements.
01:03:09 189.08 |
Var. footage of early flying machines from the early 1900's. Men seen prepping the various planes to win the government's proposal.
01:03:34 214.13 |
Early planes taking off and in flight, albeit short ones!. Literally gliders with engines.
01:03:40 220.86 |
Tilt down Hand holding a fountain pen and signing a document. Other hand picks up a tiny model glider plane. With narration stating the Wright Brothers won the government go ahead to build the first American military airplane.
01:03:49 229.86 |
Historic footage the Wright Brothers building the first government airplane and move it out of the warehouse. Out in the field, shots of test flights, a crashed plane which killed Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge, man on left side of shot with hose and other men surround the crashed plane.
01:04:21 261.53 |
Photo still taken July 27, 1909 Orville Wright and Lieutenant Frank Long pose in front of early aircraft
01:04:24 264.86 |
Live footage Orville Wright and Lieutenant sitting in the airplane about to take test flight in one of the Wright brother's potential government aircraft. they broke the time limit of over 1 hour in flight
01:04:34 274.92 |
July 30, 1909 Orville Wright and Lieutenant Benjamin Fulois climbing into plane for another test flight, this one for speed.
01:04:56 296.26 |
Early Wright's airplane taking off from front yard of large estate. Many onlookers.
01:05:06 306.93 |
Wright's plane heading toward camera takes off. Shots of the plane in flight.
Narrator states the plane was officially accepted by the government in 1909 and designated as Signal Corp Plane #1. |
01:05:33 333.06 |
B&W photo still 1910, Lieutenant Fulois sitting in the Wright Brother's aircraft. With narration unseen states he learned to fly the airplane by getting instructions via mail.
01:05:54 354.83 |
The plane on the ground, men standing around it. Other men standing near another plane made by Glen Curtis.
01:06:08 367.99 |
Man receives certificate to pilot plane, gives a salute. "Wings" pin or military aviator badge being placed on man's shirt pocket.
01:06:19 379.28 |
Photo still, Government Pilot Lieutenant Arnold. Photos of early plane parked outside a hanger, shots of a flying schools
01:06:42 402.19 |
The Army's first permanent Aviation School in San Diego. An early aeroplane parked on the grounds.
01:06:49 409.8 |
Pilots pose in front of plane at an aviation school either in Hawaii or Manilla.
01:06:58 418.35 |
Early Army plane in flight
01:07:06 426.68 |
Various experiments were conducted during this time in the early 1900;s. Photo of pilots in the seats of a plane, one man holding a huge old fashion camera for an experiment in aerial photography; a plane test flying at night; a bomb dropping device, machine gunners in a plane.
01:07:39 459.1 |
The new Army planes in flight.
01:07:50 470.14 |
Photo still of the first aero squadron in 1913 - a small group of men standing lined up out in a field in front of a plane.
01:08:16 496.87 |
WS U.S. Congress. Unseen narration explains they voted to expand the Aerial Forces.
01:08:29 509 |
Still shots of the Army's newer planes, with closed in body. A tractor type aircraft from 1912 a hydroplane built by the Burgess Company with propellor mounted in front of the pilot rather than behind.
01:09:06 546.65 |
United States Army plane being pushed out of a hanger.
01:09:12 552.78 |
WWI planes flying
01:09:32 572 |
End reel.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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