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01:00:00 0 |
Barn door opens slowly, chirping is heard, a family walks into the barn.
01:00:10 10.94 |
CU hundreds of baby geese, chirping.
01:00:13 13.78 |
A family looks on at the hundreds of geese - baby birds - in their barn at a ranch in Napa Valley.
01:00:32 32.93 |
Scenic winter shots over the mountains in Napa Valley, California.
01:00:41 41.91 |
Flock of geese grown up running around together on the ranch.
01:00:58 58.83 |
Rancher talks with unseen interviewer on his ranch about raising geese on his ranch
01:01:08 68.35 |
A goose holding its head high, shows off his elongated neck
01:01:11 71.3 |
A chef carries a cooked goose on a silver platter at a fancy restaurant, Campton Place in San Francisco.
01:01:19 79.65 |
The rancher stands amidst his geese. CUs of the goose and flocks of them walk together on the ranch.
01:02:13 132.99 |
Wings flapping, a goose gets a running start and takes off.
01:02:28 148 |
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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