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00:00:00 0 |
Color Bars
00:00:19 19.67 |
Young pretty woman outside, talking on a public phone, exposed phone booth. Sounds of traffic. Peds going by - only feet are seen. Pan down on girl reveals she's holding a fashionable Louis Vuitton purse.
00:00:27 27.68 |
CU on Louis Vuitton purse. Z'in on the iconic Vuitton logo all over the purse. Pan back out to young woman on the phone for take 2, and z'in again on the Louis Vuitton purse and logo.
00:01:00 60.93 |
Take 3. Same girl talking on phone in exposed phone booth outside, She hangs phone up. Camera Z'in on the Louis Vuitton logo on purse. Directions from producer or director are heard being given to the girl.
00:01:33 93.74 |
WS young pretty girl holding a large Louis Vuitton purse talking on outdoor public phone (exposed phone booth). Peds and sounds of traffic. Girl is told by unseen person to hang up and walk away. Girl hangs up phone and walks away. Camera points downward to sidewalk and empty phone booth.
00:02:05 125.18 |
Take Five. Girl holding Louis Vuitton purse back at phone booth, peds crossing street, traffic. Girl hangs up phone and walks away. Two people immediately walk toward phone booth to use it, but are kindly asked to move on by unseen person.
00:02:40 160.62 |
Take Six, girl holding large Louis Vuitton purse using public phone on street, peds, traffic going by. She clutches the purse, hangs up phone, and walks down the street to the corner.
00:03:09 189.68 |
Another take girl on public phone, CU Louis Vuitton purse. Z'out from purse, girl walks away. Directions by unseen people can be heard. Camera z'in on purse with LV logo. Girl is told to walk away,. She walks down the street to the corner and turns around. Several takes. Various shots of the LV purse.
00:04:32 272.25 |
Color Bars.
00:04:33 273.58 |
00:04:34 274.86 |
Two Champagne glasses on a bar. One glass filled with champagne the other empty.
00:04:43 283.43 |
Champagne being poured into empty glass. Z'in on the champagne bottle label, Dom Perignon. Pan out from bottle to a full glass of champagne, half empty glass and the bottle sitting on a bar. Bkgd lounge music. Phone is heard ringing.
Hand grabs bottle. Take two. |
00:05:37 337.7 |
CU on bottle of MoetDom Perignon champagne and label. Z'out and back in on bottle label
00:05:57 357.9 |
Two champagne glasses on a bar, one full one almost full. Several takes on same shots.
00:07:27 447.23 |
Z'in on Dom Perignon label on bottle of champagne. Phone ringing in bkgd and lounge music is heard from the bar. z'in and out to blur on label 4 times.
00:08:19 499.38 |
Bottle of Dom Perignon sitting on a bar next to two full glasses of champagne. Z'in on the full glasses of bubbly, z'in to blur 2 times.
00:09:11 551.85 |
Louis Vuitton written in gold letters above door on the LV store. Pan down from the sign to storefront window with LV on awning. Peds walking by store, reflection of traffic in window.
00:12:05 725.73 |
Pan in on white awning above store window, LV logo on awning. Several shots.
00:13:24 804.69 |
Peds walking by the Louis Vuitton store. Z'in attractive young woman (model) standing out front looking inside her large Louis Vuitton purse, shoulder bag style. Bus going by, takes up entire frame.
00:13:48 828.47 |
WS Louis Vuitton store with white LV awning. Young man dressed in all white comes out of store with a shopping bag. Same young woman (model) with LV shoulder bag looking into store window as ped walk by.
00:14:03 843.83 |
Another take. Young woman model with Louis Vuitton bag slung over her shoulder walking past the store, stops to look in the window, other peds walking by, girl walks away then turns and walks back past window,
00:14:38 878.48 |
Z'out from store window to Louis Vuitton written above white LV awning.
00:14:45 885.67 |
Peds mostly women holding shopping bags walking past the Louis Vuitton store front. Two young Asian men walking by look up at sign and go into store. Same young woman model holding a large Louis Vuitton bag stops to look in the window. Z'in to blur then focus on the purse and the LV logos.
00:15:34 934.89 |
Take 2 of young female model looking in store window holding LV purse. Z'in and out on girl and purse. She walks away and comes back for take 3.
00:16:08 968.1 |
Tilt up on Louis Vuitton store front. Pan down and back up. then down on girl looking at the red handbags in the window. Several takes same shots.
00:17:56 1076.56 |
WS down the street of Louis Vuitton store. Peds walking down the wide street and same female model with Louis Vuitton handbag approaching store front walk by the store and back. Several takes same shots of her walking past the store carrying the large LV handbag.
00:18:41 1121.45 |
CU on bottle of perfume resting in a box with tissue paper and red fabric n store window. Var shots of the Louis Vuitton store building and window.
00:19:24 1163.99 |
CU two wine glasses and a bottle of wine. Z'out reveals wine glasses and bottle sitting on top of a LV suitcase in the window of the store.
00:20:52 1252.13 |
End Reel
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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