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01:00:00 0 |
Color Bars
01:00:02 2.51 |
Fire in New York City. Firefighters, EMTs, assist victims:
. Victim on a stretcher inside the back of an ambulance. |
01:00:42 42.73 |
A New York City fireman walks down the street toward camera in wearing full gear. Scene of a fire in an apartment building. Sidewalk crowded with firemen and onlookers, fire truck parked in middle of the street with its ladder up.
01:00:57 57.19 |
Victims from a fire: A male victim coughs from smoke inhalation and takes breaths from oxygen mask. A female Black woman victim strapped onto a stretcher wearing an oxygen mask is helped by emergency personnel into an ambulance.
01:01:37 97.97 |
A young Black girl with a yellow blanket draped over her head breathes into an oxygen mask. An injured firefighter or police officer is helped by other officers onto a stretcher. Lots of victims and chaos on the street. Many medical folk aid the victims.
01:02:56 176.17 |
A F.D.N.Y. fireman goes into building, others stand together outside, sirens are heard. Hoses laid out all over the street. Lots of firefighters and fire trucks on the scene.
01:04:23 263 |
WS of the residential city block of brownstones and apartment buildings, dozens of firefighters, firetrucks, onlookers
01:04:41 281.9 |
A clear glass jug with money in it sits on a step inside the building. A fireman grabs the jug and walks out of the building with it to a firetruck.
01:05:36 336.45 |
Firefighter picks up a young Black female victim wrapped in yellow blanket and breathing into an oxygen mask.
01:06:36 396.87 |
Tilt up to top of building that was on fire, three windows are seen blown out, ornate architecture. Pan out to front of four story residential building. A hose runs out from the front door. Dozens of firemen out on the street in front of the building.
01:07:37 457.45 |
Red sign for the Harlem Hilton Hotel hovers above a parked red fire truck.
01:07:49 469.26 |
Nice WS of the street of the fire, crowd can be seen gathered outside the building, apartment buildings, a fire truck with a fireman standing on top of it, other fire fighters seen gathered in front of the truck. Appears to be a nice neighborhood with wide streets.
01:08:09 489.51 |
A female fire captain wearing a helmet talks into camera at the scene of a fire on Hamilton Place. She tells about the many victims - she states there were six smoke inhalation victims, a firefighter and four civilians taken to St Lukes and others taken elsewhere.
01:08:38 518.3 |
CU firefighter who appears to be giving a statement, he talks with another firefighter who takes notes. Other firemen lean against the truck, seem to be in a more relaxed mode. Several of the firemen talk to unseen reporter and give the details of what occurred.
01:12:52 772.27 |
CU Street sign: Convent Av W 144 St
01:12:59 780 |
Color bars.
01:13:25 805.03 |
Next segment. Nighttime. Ext. KLM Cargo building
01:13:46 826.99 |
01:13:47 827.42 |
A fork lift moves a long crate down the street and through open chain link fence and into the back of an open van. Workers guide the box into the back of the van. The van then drives off.
01:15:54 954.75 |
color bars
01:16:35 995.02 |
A blonde Russian woman dressed in a white fur trimmed parka and wool scarf, maybe early to mid 30's,surrounded by reporters with mics pointed at her and cameramen is asked to talk about her son. A female translator helps her communicate to media about something that happened to her son.
01:20:50 1250.72 |
The Russian woman makes her way through the airport. A sign for Delta on the wall.
01:21:07 1267.32 |
CU a hand holds a b&w photo still of a young boy holding his baby sister in his arms.
01:21:59 1319.36 |
The Russian woman's translator at the airport and guides the young daughter of the Russian woman through with security guards. Cameras flash.
01:23:41 1421.02 |
Color Bars
01:23:59 1439.32 |
Next segment. Nighttime. Several ambulances with lights flashing pull up to hospital (most likely). Cameraman films as EMT's remove a (dead) body wrapped in cloth on a stretcher from the ambulance.
01:25:07 1507.72 |
Z'in to open doors of the other ambulance and an EMT carries a baby or young child in his arms into the hospital.
01:26:31 1591.89 |
Another body wrapped in a blanket on a stretcher is removed from an ambulance.
01:27:11 1631.24 |
Nighttime - A burned residential home in the city with a Century 21 real estate sign. Z'in on the F.D.N.Y men inside the building. Z'in on the front door as the men and a resident walk out. Emergency vehicles parked.
01:28:46 1726.11 |
CU Rubble from the burned out building, lots of wood piled up. Shots of the burned out interior, what appears to be a baby's blanket is seen buried under pieces of wood and rubble. Firemen inside rummage through the burned out home.
01:31:13 1873.46 |
street signs above a one way sign - Linden Blvd & Williams Av
01:31:25 1885.96 |
Color bars
01:31:46 1906.03 |
Nighttime crime scene.
Residential neighborhood crime scene - taped off area. NYC Police van with flashing lights parked. A body or evidence wrapped in white plastic sheet on the ground. Policxe officers drilliing something on the street, sparks fly. |
01:32:53 1973.79 |
A police officer holds two street signs that have apparently fallen down to the ground or were knocked down , - Richmond Av and Petrus Av. He crosses the street carrying the street signs and pole and places them in the N.Y.P.D. police van.
01:33:40 2020.57 |
CU police car with 123 PCT 2144 painted on. Z'out from car to full view of the blue vehicle with the number 2144 in large white letters painted across the trunk. The car sits in the middle of the street, parked horizontally as if to block any traffic.
01:34:19 2059 |
Dead body wrapped in white covering on the ground - crime scene tape in bkgd.
01:35:34 2134.29 |
A detective measures distance from one end of the street to the other with measuring tape.
01:37:30 2250.52 |
Street sign Richmond Av & Petrus Av
01:37:37 2257.54 |
Color bars
01:37:44 2264.92 |
Next segment begins. Drug Bust.
CU huge bricks of most likely marijuana, pan from the pot across to plastic bags of ?, guns and bullets and stacks of Cash. Z'in on the giant stacks of 50 and 20 dollar bills and ammunition including machine gun.. |
01:39:45 2385.56 |
An undercover detective wearing a Timberland sweatshirt talks into mic to unseen reporter about a murder and drug bust and how it all went down.
01:40:32 2432.31 |
34th Precinct Police Station painted in large black letters on the brick building.
01:40:43 2443.74 |
Color bars
01:41:01 2461.17 |
A dead body covered in white sheet lays sprawled on the ground - in the hallway of a building.
01:41:30 2490.22 |
CU on blood dripping down a step in the hallway near the body. Z'out reveals the same dead body.
01:41:52 2512.9 |
A plain white paper bag leans against a wall. Maybe evidence - pan over to the dead body again and the blood on the sept.
01:42:39 2559.78 |
The number 328 encircled on the red door of the ext. of the building. Pan up the red colored fire escapes several floors up.
01:43:10 2590.49 |
Street sign Bee---(something) and Oak Terr.
01:43:18 2598.07 |
CU NYPD car parked 40 PCT 2041 painted on side. Pan out to full police car - number 3041 painted in large white letters on the trunk.
01:43:31 2611.61 |
Color bars
01:43:39 2619.64 |
EMT's wheel a victim strapped onto a stretcher out of a building, down the street and into a waiting Emergency Service Ambulance.
01:44:13 2653.96 |
Street signs - Frederick Douglass Boulevard & W 146 St.
01:44:24 2664.86 |
Color Bars
01:44:29 2669.67 |
Nighttime - Dead body lies on the sidewalk completely covered in a white sheet. Graffiti on steel security garage doors. Detectives and police, crime scene tape. Sign on the building above where the body lies, "Ideal Real Estate Insurance".
01:45:42 2742.79 |
CU 1580 115 Pct blue NYPD police car parked at the scene.
01:45:58 2758.14 |
Plain clothes detectives and uniformed police officers at the scene take notes.
01:46:18 2778.36 |
Street signs - Roosevelt & 103 St. Partial one way sign.
01:46:28 2788.18 |
Color Bars.
01:46:35 2795.68 |
Nighttime CU on a large piece of mangled orange and white metal - pan out reveals a completely smashed up New York City EMS Ambulance. CU NY license plate A23735. Police officers and detectives at the scene, take photos.
01:48:08 2888.38 |
Various CUs and shots of the mangled mess of the ambulance int. and ext..- papers and equpment hang out of the vehicle and spill onto the street.
01:50:09 3009.67 |
CU on a smashed up tree, bark peeling off - near the ambulance.
01:50:45 3045.13 |
Street signs - Pelham Pkwy & Yates Av ( a one way sign beneath
01:50:54 3054.06 |
Color bars.
01:51:01 3061.27 |
Two smiling young New York Police officers stand in front of the Police Department City of New York poster and talk with unseen reporter about how they had to deliver a baby in an emergency situation! They proudly shake hands. They talk about the details of the occurence.
01:53:49 3229.46 |
Ext of building - 43rd Precinctt Station House - The City of New York Police Department
01:53:58 3238.03 |
Color Bars
01:54:05 3245.37 |
Nighttime. Highway with red flares on the road. A car pulled to the side, police officer shines large flashlight on the vehicle. Unknown metal objects on the ground. Police at the scene. Traffic goes by on the highway, a NY bridge lit up in bkgd. Police investigate. Chalk circles around pieces of evidence on the ground.
01:56:16 3376.11 |
Color bars
01:56:50 3410.14 |
WS Ext front door of fancy building. Onlookers are seen (barely) behind police barriers. Front doors open and police officers exit with male and female perps in handcuffs. Onlookers shout stuff at the perps as they get into police car.
01:57:36 3456.31 |
Perps inside the police car. people knock on the windows. The unmarked car drives away through the neighborhood into traffic.
01:58:02 3482.39 |
Color bars.
01:58:16 3496.9 |
Sign on glass door "Use Yard Entrance". Ext. Lumber Headquarters Home Centers building. NYC Police wagon parked out front. Z'in and out of the Lumber Headquarters sign on the orange building.
02:00:22 3623 |
Two police officers, male and female, attempt to enter building but walk around to the back. Large Showroom Entrance sign with graffiti next to door. An officer places crime scene tape around building.
02:01:16 3676.43 |
Color photo still of a Black man with his young son and puppy. Police siren is heard.
02:01:44 3704.48 |
Ext front of a nice red brick home with a white iron fence, and red awning. CU on the fancy door with the address 931.
02:03:30 3810 |
End reel.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
[email protected]
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