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01:00:00 0 |
Reel opens - sunset sky
01:00:03 3.93 |
Beautiful sunrise at Sanford University - The Hoover Tower in background against a rising sun.
01:00:08 8.41 |
Beauty shot of the giant palm trees on Sanford campus, the sun poking up over the horizon at sunrise.
01:00:17 17.08 |
The Hoover Tower, trees rustling in the foreground, daytime against cloudy skies.
01:00:19 19.28 |
Montage of beauty shots - beautiful pink flowering trees, a bird perched on a branch, yellow flowered tree blowing in the wind, people on a canoe in a beautiful lake.
01:00:39 39.84 |
Tilt down on down on about a dozen or more canoes filled with people and very close together, paddling hard, looks like the start of a canoe race.
01:00:47 47.89 |
Beauty CUs various flowers and blooms blowing gently in the wind.
01:00:57 57.64 |
WS a track field, bleachers with people, folk standing around the field as athletes (small dots in the distance) approach the camera and jump hurdles. Runners race to finish.
01:01:16 76.37 |
Circa 1940s college students at a campus picnic, pretty female student dishing up the food.
01:01:31 91.77 |
Students on campus, sitting on the grass, riding a bicycle built for two. 1940's.
01:01:36 96.41 |
Scenic WS of the Hoover Tower and huge palm tree at sunset.
01:01:40 100.52 |
Students climbing a huge tall wooden ladder on a giant makeshift jungle gym.
01:01:57 117.34 |
Bright yellow flames shoot into the night sky from a campus bonfire
01:02:07 127.08 |
Silhouette of a student with blowing into a huge megahorn and an officer standing beside him against the backdrop of the flames from the bonfire
01:02:10 130.75 |
Cutaway. College band perform on the football field.
01:02:18 138.62 |
Tilt down blurred shots of audience in the bleachers, all waving and throwing white papers or flags.
01:02:28 148.55 |
College football players run out onto the field.
01:02:47 167.07 |
Audience in the stands all wearing white, looking rowdy!
01:02:51 171.65 |
Tilt down on football game in play. Tackles.
01:02:59 179.21 |
Tilt down on audience in coordinated colors making up the Sanford logo of the red letter 'S' over a pine tree.
01:03:03 183.45 |
Sunset over the Hoover Tower
01:03:05 185.93 |
Female students walking about on campus, coming out of buildings walking down the steps.
01:03:25 205.58 |
Two college gals outside walking together and hold up a newspaper. A small group of girls gather to read the newspaper headlines, "U.S. AT WAR! Paratroops land in Philippines!" They hold up the paper for the camera to see.
01:03:36 216.25 |
Same girls hold up another newspaper for camera Close Up. Girl's hand points to headline: "Extra!" "U.S, At War!" "Japs Bomb Hawaii, Philippines, Invade Thailand, Malaya..."
01:03:38 218.67 |
Cutaway. Man with long white beard and handlebar mustache walks down path toward camera. He stops and camera z'in on red white and blue triangular patch on his coat.
01:03:55 235.23 |
Stylish older woman wearing a pretty hat and fur coat standing outside talking into camera (no audio)
01:03:59 239.89 |
Male college athletes run out from under the arches at Stanford, gather outside and tag each other, and run through basketball exercises passing the ball to each other, quick shot of one player hugging the other.
01:04:23 263.88 |
The Hoover Tower stands tall next to a King Sago Palm tree.
01:04:28 268.9 |
Military exercises on campus, college age soldiers stand in formation and salute as officers walk by them. Huge palm trees in background.
01:05:18 318.31 |
WS as students watch their fellow student soldiers march by on campus.
01:05:47 347.41 |
Var shots as the college recruits march through Stanford University campus.
01:06:19 379.36 |
Girls partially seen holding newspaper with the headline - "Corregidor Surrenders" (Philippines)
01:06:21 381.58 |
Bright yellow flames fill the sky, a small building in the fgd.
01:06:23 383.26 |
A lone male figure is seen walking then running toward a blazing fire at night.
01:06:27 387.1 |
A fireman with a hose putting out a smoking fire, nighttime in front of a home as two other people standby and observe. CU on the man with the hose wearing knickers.
01:06:48 408.52 |
Nighttime man is seen with a bucket pouring sand on the burning embers in front of a small house.
01:06:54 414.57 |
various shots of the small farm house and other buildings on the property on fire, man with hose, another man on a ladder as the blaze keeps burning. The sky is filled with yellow flames as buildings burn down.
01:07:17 437.04 |
Flames and sparks engulf a vintage car.
01:07:43 463.24 |
Back to Stanford University campus on graduation day. Graduated are seen walking through the archway as well as student soldiers in uniform.
01:08:08 488.4 |
Outside graduation day. Large audience shot from behind, stand and sit. Tilt down on student soldiers as they one by one approach the podium, salute and accept their diplomas followed by the other students.
01:08:41 521.2 |
POV looking down through the trees on the graduation audience. Rows of empty seats as the graduating students return and sit down after receiving their diplomas.
01:08:51 531.43 |
Hoover Tower
01:08:56 536.55 |
Next segment: The Army Takes Over - overlay marching soldiers pass by The Hoover Tower.
01:09:10 550.15 |
Army soldiers march toward camera from the Administration building on camps
01:09:25 565.14 |
A U.S. Army blimp hovers
01:09:28 568 |
Various shots - The Army Special Training Program and Women's Army Corp (WAC) take over campus. Groups of Army soldiers are seen all over Stanford University campus.
01:10:07 607.81 |
"Donald B. Tresidder (President of Stanford '43-'48) says, "Stanford is an Agency of the Armed Forces" overlays Hoover Tower
01:10:11 611.39 |
Stanford President Tresidder talking with Army officers outside on campus.
01:10:39 639.61 |
Hundreds of soldiers on campus and seen in the cafeteria as women fill their trays with food and they eat together at a large table.
01:11:12 672.76 |
Next segment - Faculty Army Program Coordinators
01:11:15 675.96 |
CUs various Stanford University officials circa early 1940's
01:11:45 705.96 |
Ws on of the buildings on campus
01:11:52 712.98 |
Great shot of the U.S. Army blimp in the sky headed past the Hoover Tower.
01:12:03 723.69 |
Army soldiers doing boot camp training exercises - climbing walls with ropes, parallel bars exercises, climbing poles, swinging on ropes
01:13:50 830.55 |
Amazingly fit soldiers performing gymnastics doing flips on the bar, a fit black man performs a routine on the parallel bars, on the horse and trampoline.
01:14:56 896.91 |
Guys running piggy back across the lawn, shot from behind, two men tumble and fall. They run toward camera - real fast!
01:15:23 923.31 |
Various shots of large groups of all male students walking around campus, some dressed in civilian clothes other in Army uniforms. The Army Special Training Program has infiltrated Stanford campus.
01:15:25 925.06 |
Group of marching feet from knee down, in Army uniform - of the time, knickers.
01:16:00 960.59 |
Next segment. A class in Firing Problems
01:16:03 963.34 |
Several shots - Army soldiers of the Army Special Training Program gathered outside in a large group, some sitting casually on the ground and some seen taking notes, appear to be learning to load a cannon.
01:16:25 985.69 |
Army soldiers, carrying rifles, training to march as a unit, march toward camera.
01:16:40 1000.31 |
Next Segment. Training Army Engineers.
01:16:43 1003.1 |
Interior. Army soldiers are seen training to use special satellites, onlookers on sidelines.
01:17:00 1020.06 |
Next Segment. Cubberley Education Building
01:17:02 1022.49 |
Various shots, Army soldiers walking about Stanford University campus, mostly in very large groups.
01:17:18 1038.5 |
Pretty campus coeds outside casually talking to some soldiers.
01:17:45 1065.35 |
Hundreds of soldiers on campus, some gals. Some students riding bikes, lots of ped traffic!
01:18:22 1102.25 |
Ws three Blimps flying.
01:18:27 1107.05 |
WS a Blimp flying slowly over Stanford University.
01:18:30 1110.32 |
1940's college students (civilians) standing in line outside a tiny building on campus. Pretty college gals 1940's style. Other shots on campus of the many civilian students, several seen getting around by bike.
01:18:56 1136.14 |
Vintage '40's cars on campus. A cool yellow convertible with red trim and red wheels loaded with pretty college gals.
01:19:05 1145.73 |
Next segment. The Army is on the Row.
01:19:15 1155.51 |
Various shots of the Army Training Program groups of soldiers doing marching drills, and filing in and out of a dormitory building.
01:19:39 1179.05 |
A bit blurry. Three vintage 1940's firetrucks driving down a wide street head toward camera.
01:19:44 1184.84 |
WS of a building on campus, students riding bikes, vintage cars going by.
01:19:50 1190.44 |
A U.S. Navy blimp seen through the trees flies by on a clear day.
01:19:59 1199.58 |
WS same building on campus vintage cars and students on bikes going by
01:20:15 1215.54 |
A bicycle parking area, loaded with bikes!
01:20:47 1247.08 |
Next segment, 2,000 pass in review
01:20:49 1249.99 |
Tilt down, large outdoor stadium, a line of people marching forward and hundreds of soldiers lined up and marching on the field including a small marching band. Appears to be an Army graduation ceremony.
01:21:52 1312.52 |
Tilt down, same ceremony - a large group (men or women) perform some sort of marching revue. Several shots - their arms straight out and lined up on the field, they take off their gowns and perform some sort of synchronized "arm" exercise. Weird.
01:22:59 1379.72 |
Next segment - from the hoover library tower
01:23:02 1382.21 |
WS Hoover Tower on Stanford University campus 1940's
01:23:06 1386.94 |
Tilt down pan the campus, the buildings and grounds as well as soldiers seen marching by.
01:24:30 1470.03 |
Small group of Women's Army Corp (WAC's) in uniform walking about on campus.
01:24:50 1490.47 |
Pretty college coeds outside sitting and sketching as Army soldiers look on.
01:25:04 1504.32 |
WS group of soldiers in uniform with a small group of college coeds sitting outside on the steps of a building on campus.
01:25:23 1523.79 |
Students Helped to Save the Crops
01:25:25 1525.81 |
Various shots, looks like Fall Harvest, college students all female on a farm in a field of vegetable crops seen weeding, going through the crops
01:25:44 1544.44 |
The students carrying huge watermelons through the field and place them on a horse drawn farm wagon.
01:26:12 1572.77 |
Back out in the field of crops, the ladies are seen sowing, taking out dead stuff. Carrying and placing pumpkins on a horse drawn wagon as the driver waits. CU's of the girls holding the pumpkins. Riding on the back of the wagon they wave at the camera.
01:27:11 1631.46 |
At their destination, shots of the girls unloading the pumpkins and carrying them into the farm building. Working hard, but smiling.
01:27:32 1652.35 |
CU adorable college coed circa 1940 holding up a big pumpkin and smiling proud.
01:27:44 1664.29 |
American Red Cross Blood Donor Service sign.
01:27:53 1673.76 |
Nurse tending to young lady with a thermometer in her mouth.
01:28:00 1680.58 |
Various shots the American Red Cross Blood Donor drive, 1940's. Nurses at table doing paperwork, Nurse at the Red Cross table posted outside building as girls file past after having donated and get into waiting vintage vehicle.
01:28:27 1707.93 |
Cutaway. Graduation. Line of students in caps and red gowns led by two adults carrying a giant wreath. Onlookers as they march by.
01:28:43 1723.74 |
Various shots Army Training Program soldiers marching on campus. Hoover Tower looms in bkgd.
01:30:27 1828 |
End reel
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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