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03:09:14 1.13 |
DX, people on snowmobiles slowly move past snowmobile protesters
03:09:26 13.13 |
Snow covered mountain town
03:09:29 16.13 |
No snowmobiles sign
03:09:31 18.13 |
DX, Man drives snowmobile down street and at gas station
03:09:39 26.13 |
Buffalo running away from snowmobiles
03:09:48 35.13 |
Moose walks
03:09:51 38.13 |
WS buffalo walk in line
03:10:06 53.13 |
DX, snowmobiles in yellowstone
03:10:10 57.13 |
Old town cafe
03:10:12 59.13 |
Man on stool
03:10:18 65.13 |
Cook serves up plate of hashbrowns
03:10:31 78.13 |
Snowmobiles racing
03:10:45 92.13 |
DX, Kid & antidepressant newser
03:12:47 214.13 |
Polish PM speaks to polish parliament re: troops in Iraq
03:13:53 280.13 |
DX, Polish troops in Iraq, driving military trucks, putting up barbed wire
03:14:56 343.13 |
Scattered lawn furniture, with police tape
03:15:00 347.13 |
DX, collapsed deck, VAR shots of destroyed deck and lawn furniture
03:16:47 454.13 |
Battle ship USS Lincoln in dock
03:17:03 470.13 |
Sailors on deck
03:17:20 487.13 |
People wave bye
03:17:30 497.13 |
DX, USS leaves port
03:17:36 503.13 |
Shots of communication tower
03:17:45 512.13 |
Sailors on deck
03:18:58 585.13 |
Oil spill for miles in water
03:19:24 611.13 |
Along coastline
03:20:14 661.13 |
Aerial, containment boats
03:20:24 671.13 |
DX, containment boats cast out nets to clean up oil.
03:21:22 729.13 |
TN senator Kelly at hearing about health insurance
03:22:47 814.13 |
DX, children with respirator masks are loaded onto ambulance.
03:22:59 826.13 |
Broken school bus with open hood
03:23:04 831.13 |
CU tailpipe
03:23:21 848.13 |
Kids get into ambulance
03:24:21 908.13 |
NX, swat cops drive past Bush protestors
03:25:27 974.13 |
Old people wait in line for flu vaccinations
03:25:56 1003.13 |
Get angry when they do not get in
03:26:50 1057.13 |
DX, prisoner, male, 20s, wearing handcuffs and jumpsuit walks into courtroom
03:27:53 1120.13 |
Old people wait for flu vaccinations in FL
03:28:22 1149.13 |
DX, nurse gives flu shot, CU of needle
03:29:10 1197.13 |
Stars and strikes play, army platoon at attention
03:29:23 1210.13 |
Families say goodbye to soldiers
03:31:09 1316.13 |
DX, woman's hand with wedding ring
03:31:14 1321.13 |
Woman's shadow as she talks
03:31:38 1345.13 |
EXT "palmer" elementary school
03:31:38 1345.13 |
Yellow school bus arrives at school
03:31:51 1358.13 |
DX, grade school kids carrying book bags walk through grass.
03:32:19 1386.13 |
WS kids arrive at school, sneakers on cement
03:32:24 1391.13 |
Cop car at school
03:33:07 1434.13 |
DX, Tom Ridge speaks at convention about terrorism
03:33:31 1458.13 |
People applaud
03:34:40 1527.13 |
Woman with glasses on office phone
03:35:08 1555.13 |
Woman's hands on keybord
03:35:41 1588.13 |
DX, woman at computer on phone
03:35:45 1592.13 |
CU computer screen
03:36:35 1642.13 |
Pope John Paul II in fancy wheelchair waves
03:36:41 1648.13 |
Pope at alter, crying? dying?
03:37:02 1669.13 |
DX, Pope addresses crowd from balcony
03:37:18 1685.13 |
Shot of crowd
03:37:26 1693.13 |
Vintage shots of Pope collapsing in corwd
03:37:42 1709.13 |
Pope meeting religious official
03:37:53 1720.13 |
DX, Pope praying by wall
03:38:09 1736.13 |
Makes sign of cross
03:38:17 1744.13 |
Pope sitting in field, talking to church official
03:38:53 1780.13 |
DX, UN security council TH says Argentina, Greece, United republic of Tanzania, Denmark and Japan are elected to security council
03:39:42 1829.13 |
VAR UN members applaud
03:40:27 1874.13 |
DX, man, 60s uses laptop, CU screen: CGI molecular structure
03:41:20 1927.13 |
People in lab, men look at data chart
03:41:49 1956.13 |
Haitian troops march
03:41:59 1966.13 |
DX, UN armored trucks move through Haitian streets
03:42:14 1981.13 |
UN troops on parole in Haiti
03:43:18 2045.13 |
CU muffler tailpipe
03:43:25 2052.13 |
CU car wheel spins fast
03:43:27 2054.13 |
DX, Lithuania: two hatchback cars drag race
03:43:37 2064.13 |
Man shades his eyes to watch
03:43:43 2070.13 |
More tiny cars race
03:43:59 2086.13 |
Signs show speed of cars
03:44:15 2102.13 |
DX, tire spins in smoke
03:44:17 2104.13 |
Car spins in circle of smoke
03:44:29 2116.13 |
Hatchback cars drag race
03:44:49 2136.13 |
Ice Bar, people order drinks in silver parkas
03:45:33 2180.13 |
DX, CU ice cups and ice blocks making up ice bar, Ice sculpture
03:45:54 2201.13 |
Jesse Jackson at million man march
03:46:06 2213.13 |
Shots of crowd in DC
03:46:25 2232.13 |
DX, Farrakhan speaks at Million man march, men listen
03:47:13 2280.13 |
1962: B&W stills of Cuban missels
03:47:37 2304.13 |
film of tanks carrying rockets
03:47:54 2321.13 |
DX, B&W navy ships sail in ocean
03:48:57 2384.13 |
Phone switchboard equipment
03:49:23 2410.13 |
NX, Gaza: kids play w/ fireworks in st, police car
03:49:46 2433.13 |
Downed tree
03:49:57 2444.13 |
NX, rubble of fallen building, police van
03:50:18 2465.13 |
People display tattered flag
03:50:46 2493.13 |
Downed power line
03:50:54 2501.13 |
DX, derailed train cars
03:51:14 2521.13 |
DX, shots of derailed freight train
03:52:00 2567.13 |
Destroyed tracks,destroyed cars
03:52:08 2575.13 |
Train wheels severed.
03:52:29 2596.13 |
Train parts in someone's back yard
03:53:35 2662.13 |
Aerial of derailed train
03:55:02 2749.13 |
More train parts in backyard
03:57:21 2888.13 |
Spilled cargo from train
03:57:45 2912.13 |
DX, Aerial multiple lane highway
03:58:21 2948.13 |
more aerials of derailed train
03:59:58 3045.13 |
Police and firetrucks at nearby homes
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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