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10:21:02 9.9 |
Meryl Rubin discusses how she felt upon hearing of the assassination of JFK. How he was the President of HOPE and how it is very different now
10:22:32 99.9 |
interview with Letitia Baldrige who recalls her day on November 22, 1963 when first hearing of the assassination of John F. Kennedy..Letitia Baldrige (b. 1925, Miami) is an American etiquette expert and public relations executive.
A graduate of Vassar College, she is a former State Department employee and was the White House Social Secretary to Jacqueline Kennedy. Her father was Congressman Howard Malcolm Baldrige, and her brother was Howard Malcolm Baldrige, Jr., former Secretary of Commerce. She serves on the board of directors of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. |
10:25:40 287.9 |
further recalls what she did on the day of JFK's assassination. She cry's on camera recalling. The Black Wash ..discusses the planning of JFK's funeral and wake
10:30:40 587.9 |
Baldrige discusses the week of JFK's assassination and what went on in the White House in the planning of his funeral. Discusses the activities at White House, messages from Heads of State, from regular people..she had to get the casket for the president..she was a message bearer of important messages from the mortuary house to the Kennedy family
10:35:40 887.9 |
Discusses planning JFK's trips to South America, Europe, the Wall in Berlin, and Canada and how the regular people of the world LOVED and were full of adulation for them..the offered fantastic PR for America because everyone loved them
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