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01:00:00 0 |
MS. Shot of empty sky. Child jumps from below frame, into frame, towards top of frame. Eskimo / Inuit clothing, heavy hood, fur on coat. Continuous jumping into frame.
01:00:15 15 |
MS. Man in a very heavy, fur hood looking past camera. Licks his lips. Looks toward bottom left, and back to bottom right, then towards ceiling and then to floor. Face becomes more serious as he continues to look around frame. Man begins to stand up, revealing a white furry coat. Scene ends.
01:00:55 56 |
MS. Similar shots to previously seen shot of child being thrown into air from out of frame. Numerous takes.
01:02:10 130 |
LS. Landscape of ice and snow, seems to go on for awhile. Water in distant background. Person (Eskimo / Inuit) runs from right of frame, towards camera on the right side, and then exits frame past camera on left. Dressed in heavy clothing, fur hood, boots.
01:02:17 137 |
MS. Slate (assumingly) being held by person in heavy parka with checkered lines. Slate reads, "DP."
01:02:18 138 |
LS. Similar shot of person running towards camera as previously seen.
01:02:26 146 |
MS. Set inside of an assumed hut. Interior walls lined with fur. Snowshoes against wall. Man sleeping against wall towards background. Another man crawls through hut from left of frame, towards center, looking for something on ground perhaps. Wakes sleeping man up. Another person enters the hut from behind camera (only legs can be seen.)
01:02:34 155 |
MS. Second take of previously seen shot, until the second man wakes the sleeping man. They both look through hut, exchange words, and begin to leave.
01:02:52 173 |
MS. A third take of previously seen shot.
01:03:10 190 |
WS. Landscape of hills in distance, fields in middle ground, and a large lake / pond. Group of horses (some with horseback riders) gallop through water towards bottom of frame left. Camera pans to follow the group. Cowboys on horses guiding the group. Horses exit water and begin to gallop up a rocky hill towards frame left, with cowboys' guidance. Cowboy follows the end of the group.
01:03:42 223 |
Clapboard slate held in front of a busy background of men and women, stagecoaches, horses, wooden buildings, cows, a path or street. Slate reads, "Wiruman/Howard/Good/101." Clapboard is clapped. People move through road.
01:03:50 231 |
LS. Line of people riding horses, or stagecoaches/carriages pulled by horses through scattered trees, towards an open field in distant. Horses kick up dirt.
01:04:04 244 |
LS. Road in center of frame. Log buildings on left of frame and one in foreground right of frame. Crowd of people on horses, some pulling stagecoaches and carriages move away from camera. Some women in bonnets wave at passerbys. Men on horseback, cowboys?, with hats and guns on shoulder.
01:04:40 280 |
Clapboard slate in front of LS field scene. Tall trees on sides of frame, field in middle ground. Slate reads, "Howard/Good." Clapboard claps. Scene sits, object in field, perhaps a barrel?
01:04:48 289 |
LS. Man claps clapbaord that is upside-down reading, "DAY," with cowboy hat on. Exits frame. Scene of water, very distant trees in background. Group of canoes moving towards camera, paddles seen reflecting sunlight. Small group of people per canoe.
01:05:11 311 |
LS. Landscape featuring mountains towards background, lined with trees and brush. Water in middle ground. Group of horses, some with cowboy riders, walk into water. Cowboys can be seen hitting horses with bundles of rope. Camera pans to right to follow group of horses as they walk through water. Horses pick up pace as the water gets more shallow, and eventually the group ends up on land.
01:06:08 368 |
Tracking shot. Scene of water at foreground/middle ground. Land towards background, with bushes along shoreline, trees on land, mountains towards back.
01:06:23 383 |
WS. Shore of a peninsula, jutting into water from left of frame. Canoes can be seen near shore in the middle of the frame. Palm trees on the land, including rocks and hills. Sky is cloudy. People can hardly be seen, but are walking near boats and shoreline.
01:06:40 400 |
MS. Direct shot of bottom of waterfall. Mist blows in wind above waterfall, boulders seen on left and right sides of frame.
01:06:53 413 |
Tracking shot. Moving through water, watching waves crash onto tall, rocky shorelines. The land appears very bushy and full of trees. House can be seen on top of land, high above water.
01:07:05 425 |
MS. Street scene. Road reads, "STOP." Gate seen on right of frame. Cars pass from left to right, or right to left of frame. Railroad tracks run in the same direction. Background features power lines, buildings and trees. Building reads, "PICTURE FRAMES." Man runs from behind camera to the right of frame, around the gate.
01:07:20 440 |
Screen goes white, end of footage.
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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