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01:05:35 0.17 |
Various black and white patterns moving in different ways & directions, television static, feedback
01:05:46 11.17 |
Russian TV with red star with line shooting from Earth & Russian word on TV, Russian television station logo
01:05:47 12.17 |
Russian woman talking & doing Russian sign language along with picture of snowmobile & Russian writing in backdrop, Russian news broadcast
01:05:48 13.17 |
Oriental baseball, Japanese batter swings
01:05:49 14.17 |
Asian newscaster talking & bows
01:05:50 15.17 |
Old B&W movie of alien in bubble mask, points weapon to humans with hands raised
01:05:53 18.17 |
THE ROY ROGERS SHOW: Roy Rogers riding his horse Trigger, Dale Evans in cowgirl suit riding horse
01:05:57 23.17 |
Roy Rogers rides Trigger, tacking shot of Trigger, Dale Evans rides her horse
01:06:01 26.17 |
Tracking shot German Shepherd dog running
01:06:01 26.17 |
Various black and white patterns moving in different ways & directions, television static, feedback
211 Third St, Greenport NY, 11944
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